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Cultura Otaku

In Higurashi, one of the girls

It has been a while since it was issued “Higurashi: When they cry – gou“An anime that surprised because initially had appeared as a remake of the original 2006 series, but then It was revealed that it was a sequel with new temporal and mysteries within the classical history of the franchise.

The plot, as always, follows Keiichi Maebara, who moves to the quiet town of Hinamizawa and becomes friends with a group of girls. However, Keiichi soon discovers that the people hide dark secrets and that every year, during the local festival, a murder or disappearance related to the curse of Oyashiro-Sama, the local deity. As history progresses, we enter temporary loops and a struggle to change the tragic destination of the people.

Unfortunately, “Higurashi: When They Cry – Sotsu“He did not live to maintain the hype that brought the first part, especially because the final confrontation was completely unexpected and little fit with the general environment of the franchise. However, what gathers us today is not to criticize a series of principles of this decade, but that a user in networks discovered a peculiar censorship that was applied in the Blu-ray/DVD packages.

In Episode 3 of “Higurashi: When They Cry – Gou”, there is a scene where the group of friends go to the river to play, and Rika Furude appears with a nice school swimsuit. Interestingly, between the version broadcast on television and that included in the Blu-Ray/DVD package there is a big difference: They reduced the size of the bust!

© 2020 竜騎士 07 /ひぐらしのなく頃に製作委員会

Certainly the first question that someone would ask is, why did they add a bust to a character like Rika Furude? Although he has lived hundreds of years repeating the events of the Great Hinamizawa disaster in search of a solution that disappoints the knot, he has physically always maintained the appearance of an 11 -year -old girl. Then one would ask why they decided to censor him later, maybe they received criticism when the material was broadcast on television?

  • «Don't exaggerate Rika-chan's bust size!».
  • «You don't have a heart?!».
  • «The drawings that are ethically incorrect should be corrected, and this modification is probably also profitable from the point of view of costs».
  • «This … Maybe it was someone's inalienable desire».
  • «I prefer the bust now, but I like the groin before».
  • «Hey? Does that mean it was cut? There is no compassion».
  • «You should not exaggerate!».
  • «Well, but Keiichi-Kun mentioned in the character's song that chest growth has to do with purity or that Rika-chan's chest is the ideal».
  • «This is not censorship, it is an improvement».
  • «Rika-chan is completely flat, it doesn't even have a slight lump in the chest!».

Fountain: Otakomu

© 2020 竜騎士 07 /ひぐらしのなく頃に製作委員会

(Tagstotranslate) Higurashi-No-Naku-Koro-Ni

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