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They criticize a commercial for being 'too Ecchi'

An animated commercial for the Instant Rair Maruchan In Japan it has unleashed a controversy in social networks. While some criticize him for being “sexualized” or “uncomfortable to see,” others believe that complaints are exaggerated and that he has nothing wrong. In fact, There are experts who claim that it is a “false controversy”that is, a non -existent scandal that becomes news because some media amplify it (perhaps as a form of paid advertising).

The commercial was published this month and lasts around 30 second. In him, a girl is watching a series of television romance with her room in the dark and begins to cry for emotion. Then a Marucho Akai Kitsune is prepared and enjoy this instant ramn while The camera focuses its mouth by biting the noodles and fried tofuin addition to showing his face slightly blushed while tasting this food.

So far, nothing out of the ordinary, but this week some people began to criticize it, saying that their expression blushed when eating and the protagonist's gestures did it “unnecessarily erotic.” They also compared it with another commercial of the same brand, that of the Midori not tanuki maruchan, where a man eat ramen in the office but has none of these details. “Why does the girl blushing but the man is not?“It is the fundamental question.

It is certainly a matter worth analyzing, but the media Encount in Japan consulted an expert in this type of situations on the Internet, who explained:

  • «For there to be a real scandal, there must be many criticisms. But in these cases, what happens is that the media grab a few negative comments and present them as if there were great outrage. Of course, there are people who complain, but if most have no problem with the commercial and yet it is seen as a 'great controversy', that is where the media have part of the fault».

The news was widely disseminated for the first time by the Toyo Suisan medium in Japan, which is no stranger to this type of scandals. Meanwhile, the expert points out that in these cases where the situation “inflates” it is always better to ignore the drama and not withdraw the commercial:

  • «Normally, being silent on the Internet is not a good idea, but when it comes to a false controversy, maintaining the announcement and ignoring is a way of demonstrating that it is not important. The worst that a company can do is hurry to withdraw its content without evaluating the situation well. If criticisms affect the reputation of the brand, there they can issue a explanatory statement. And if someone begins to disseminate false information in a malicious way, they could even consider legal measures».

Obviously, people have the right to comment and criticize an ad if they don't like it. It is impossible to make a commercial that everyone likes, and there will always be someone who complains:

  • «As long as the content is not illegal or goes against ethics, companies can make the advertising they want. In the end, marketing is not for everyone, but for a specific audience. If the commercial does not affect sales, there is no reason to worry. The company has the freedom to express itself, but also the responsibility of assuming the consequences».

However, this situation has generated a variety of opinions on the Internet. Although it is possible that a medium has inflated the supposed controversy, what benefit would it do it? Some have indicated that it is possible that companies are buying the media so that controversies are invented where there are no. After all, there is no bad advertising, right?

  • «It is a completely normal commercial».
  • «I don't even know what “controversy” means these days. Although, in this case, it seems that there were more people angry with feminist than with the commercial itself».
  • «I thought they were talking about some character or something, but it turns out that it is about “controversy.” With the amount of scandals on the Internet, why just this they call it “false”?».
  • «Sometimes it is enough that a few people make noise so that TV or media makes it news and, suddenly, thousands or even millions of people talk about it».
  • «Almost all the controversies that start on social networks are like this».
  • «In the end, everything is reduced to one or two said that the commercial was rare, someone inflated it and made it viral, and thus the “scandal” was born».
  • «Most of the “controversies” on the Internet are like that, the truth».
  • «It shows that some are forcing it too much».
  • «It is not something that is worth doing so much scandal, but I don't like people to defend it with such force just by carrying the counter. If the character outside the other genre, surely many would say that this should not happen on TV».

Fountain: Yahoo! News Japan

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