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Cultura Otaku

In Japan they prefer to eat than to 'make the delicious'

In a recent study, the activities that generate a greater sense of pleasure in different cultures were analyzed, revealing marked differences between Japan and some western countries. While in the United States, the United Kingdom and Spain the activity that is considered more pleasant is sex, in Japan It is “eating something delicious.”

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  • General results
  • Sex It occupies the highest position (#1) in the US, United Kingdom, Spain, France, China and Korea, indicating that in these countries it is considered one of the most pleasant activities.
  • Eat delicious food It is the best valued activity in Japan (#1), highlighting the importance of gastronomy in Japanese culture.
  • Hug someone It is the most valued in Germany (#1), which can reflect a preference for physical contact and emotional closeness.
  • Time with a loved one It occupies a high position in most countries, which shows the importance of interpersonal relations in happiness.
  • Shower or bath It is among the best classified activities, especially in countries such as Japan, where bathroom culture is very relevant.
  • Exercise and sport It is the least valued activity (#14) in most countries, which suggests that it is not associated so much with pleasure and other activities.

The survey was conducted by HAV Corporation, a well -known adult toy brand, and the results soon generated a debate on social networks. Some suggest that Japanese culture itself would have sabotaged itself, since talking openly sex in a survey is still a taboo. Others pointed to more social factors, such as the decrease in interest in young people, something like a “decline in interest in sex.”

There is no doubt that the result left many scratching his head, and some even brought theories about the human instinct: «Hunger and sexual desire are connected. When you fill yourself, the sexual desire goes down». There were also those who pointed to foreign food as the reason behind the result: «It is obvious, food abroad is bad»; and “Japan has such good food that we have low birth».

Beyond jokes, the top 3 in Japan shows that human contact continues to import: Secondly, “spending time with the loved one”, and in third “hug someone.” Could it be that in Japan sex is not so important, or do they simply like food too much?

  • «This seems taken from TorikoWhat a laugh».
  • «The Japanese really think of sex, but since it is shameful, they say they prefer food».
  • «Well, the sex industry and the rate of sexual experiences are decreasing, so it is not quite a lie. If the survey was done with certain groups in other countries, the results could be similar».
  • «The Japanese are ashamed, so they will not respond sincerely».
  • «I remember that there was another survey about whether people preferred to eat or sleep, and won sleep. I don't understand».
  • «Delicious food is calling me!».
  • «It is interesting that the US and the United Kingdom have almost the same results. Is it for its history or something genetic?».
  • «Sex is too low on the list, what laughs. And that there are so many brothels».
  • «The videos of foreigners cooking never focus on the taste, just make the food look pretty. I don't want to imitate them».
  • «Japan hides sex too much. They treat it as if it were something bad».
  • «“If the second place is Time with the beloved personit is obvious that they are ashamed to put sex in the first place».
  • «Japan has such good food that we have low birthday. If we eliminate chefs, we solve the problem».
  • «Everyone eats, but he who has never will have it will never have it. Japan is the country of virgins, almost half of the twenties are virgins».
  • «Maybe sex is not popular because Japanese women are ugly … or because Japanese men are ugly».
  • «In real life everything is makeup and surgery, and in fiction everyone is unreally handsome. That makes the real Japanese seem even more ugly».
  • «Singer virgins only have as hobbies eat, use internet and masturbate».
  • To start, the word pleasant It doesn't make me think of sex. Even if you are looking in the dictionary, it does not have that meaning».

Fountain: Yaraon!

男子ハック © 2025 All Rights Reserve

(Tagstotranslate) Japon

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