This article includes “Chainsaw Man” spoilers. Discretion to the reader is recommended.
The fans of “Chainsaw Man”They are already accustomed to seeing Denji suffering again and again, but chapter 193 led everything to another level. Titled “Burning Kiss”, this manga episode leaves us with a brutally sad and toxic scene between Denji and Yoru, reinforcing the fact that the protagonist can never be really happy.
After his first “appointment” with Yoru in the previous chapter, Denji ends up sitting on a roof watching how the city burns in flames. For the demon of the war, this scenario is perfect to let go and launch on it. However, the way he does has generated debate among fans, since his dominant and manipulative attitude reminds Makima, Denji's great trauma in the first part of the manga.
The most shocking thing in the chapter is the moment in which Yoru offers Denji to have sex with him if he defeats the demon of death. Instead of a romantic or sensual scene, everything feels cruel and calculated: Denji is terrified, Yoru has a sadistic smile and the background is a hell of flame. To top it off, Yoru ends up releasing a few words that emotionally destroy Denji: “Asa like you.”

Denji has always been someone easy to manipulate for his desperate desire to be loved, and this chapter makes it lighter than ever. He is not a hero, he does not have a great dream, he only wants a normal life and love, but always ends up falling into destructive relationships. With Makima it was obsession and abuse, with Yoru is control and emotional manipulation.
Chapter 193 marks a before and after in the relationship between Denji and Yoru, just when the story approaches its climax with the imminent arrival of the demon of death. What is clear is that the author seems to be using the same resource as in the first part, and that was demonstrated in fans:
- «It is basically the same offer that Makima made to Denji in part 1».
- «I just hope that Fujimoto has something special prepared for the final arch, because at this point I am completely lost with the plot».
- «At this point or I think that Mappa bothers to cheer up part 2».
- «What is even the plot now, brother?».
- «Yoru gave him an ultimatum just because he could and was as direct as possible. Makima completely manipulated Denji and everything he did had second intentions. On the surface, the offers may seem the same, but if you look more thoroughly, they are completely different».
- «Honestly, I hope ASA ends up fighting Yoru or influencing her to start really worrying instead of abusing. This chapter makes it clear that Asa really feels something for Denji and is the reason why Yoru is even a bit friendly to him, so maybe Asa can help him and break this cycle of abuse».
- «I don't know if it makes me feel better, but at least Yoru seems more empathic with Denji. If you compare the two scenes, Makima has it on the ground and is clearly above it, while in this Yoru panel it is at its level and is much more intimate. It is probably manipulated, but …».
- «It's sad, I started Chainsaw Man hoping to evolve beyond being just a series for straws».
- «Me and my stupid brain thinking that Denji had changed after Makima».
- «Trust, this time Denji will use that mass of peanuts that it has as a brain and make a good decision».
- «Nothing convinces me that this manga was good once, I'm not going to lie. He only had a random popularity peak in 2020-2021 and more when the animation came out».
- «But this time who makes the offer does not control the final demon».
- «Denji cannot be offered anything else? I don't know, a month of rent or something?».
- «Maybe I missed something because I left Chainsaw Man A long time ago, but I really feel that Denji did not change anything after part 1».
- «If Denji rejects the offer in the next chapter, that would demonstrate its development as a character, but I do not have much hope … I wish I find a way to get rid of Yoru forever».
- «Nah, Fujimoto did Fire Punch. I would not repeat the same arc again, the one who is crazy is you».
- «I cannot believe that there are people by comparing this series for straws with Jujutsu Kaisen».
- «Power is going back and will punch him, just like Makima 3.0. And everyone will live happily with 4 dogs and 3 cats».
- «People are confused. Makima didn't even think about Denji, I just saw Chainsaw Man And he recognized him for his smell. Yoru/ASA is a completely different story. They genuinely feel something for Denji and care about him. In addition, demons are evil by nature, Lmao».
- «Yoru really feels something for Denji, while Makima only did it because she was evil. In addition, do not forget that this is ASA's body, she is the surprise factor. Do not forget that this is your story at the end of the day».
- «Everything I see from Chainsaw Man It is Denji being humiliated by that girl».
- «There is a small difference: Asa/Yoru really feel something for Denji, but it is still 'lust as a reward', and I would like Denji to have evolved from that. Also, where is ASA? It has been missing for weeks, I want to see his reaction to all this. I don't even know if Denji likes Asa or only likes the butt».
- «Brooo, I can't anymore. Fujimoto is better to have an idea to do this. You can't make Denji suffer again, man».
- «This fits. Of course, Apocalypse riders would try to corrupt and use one of their greatest threats to cause chaos. They are signs of the end and are there to tempt important figures and carry it out».
- «I will not lie, this is becoming repetitive. It is only Yoru taking advantage of Denji in each chapter and this idiot falling again. We have almost 200 chapters and remains the same: this guy being fucked again and again. Holy Heaven, who has a victory for once in his life».
- «What a garbage. Somehow he will defeat the demon of death and will realize that getting rid of death is not a good idea, or the demon of death will overcome his immortality and he will kill him».
- «Fujimoto is cooking something incredible, but people are too illiterate to understand that Denji continues to fall into abuse and grooming because he does not understand his feelings or the difference between lust and love».
- «This is not the same. The demon of weapons was something Denji was never going to defeat because it was a distraction. It was only a trick to manipulate it. This time, Yoru is doing it just to see him suffer, because he can literally win».
- «Fujimoto noooooo … you did Fire Punch… Hi-Hiciste Back look and Goodbye, Eri Also … No-You can't do this … I've been defending you with everything … every day it's harder to defend you, Fujigoat».
Fountain: Twitter
© 藤本タツキ/集英社・ Mappa
(Tagstotranslate) Chainsaw-Man