The young Japanese Streamer “Tarou“, Only 12, he has just released a bomb on social networks: he has decided not to go to high school after graduating from primary school. His decision has caused a stir in Japan, with his statement reaching dozens of millions of interactions of all kinds. But why did this drastic decision make?

As he explained himself, he wants to focus completely on Fortnite and his YouTube channel. It sounds risky, but the boy has to support his choice: Fortnite plays every day since he was six years old and has already achieved impressive things in the competitive scene. At 10 years, it was number 1 in Asia in the Fortnite Ranking alone and the number 23 worldwide. Currently, it is part of the Estports Edge team, and its goal is clear: to reach the top of the Gamer world.
As explained on Twitter, his decision was not taken lightly. A whole year spent talking to his parents and his school before deciding that high school was not compatible with his dream. The main problem is time:
- If I went to school, I could only train 4 hours a day.
- The best players in the world train between 7 and 10 hours a day.
- With only 4 hours, I could compete, but not overcome the best.
For him, if he really wants to stand out in the global scene, he needs to train as much as the greats of the competitive. And since “Fortnite” has a limited life cycle, he considers that this is his only opportunity to try. But, as expected, Tarou's decision has caused all kinds of comments. On the one hand, many of his followers have congratulated him for daring to follow his dream and think big.
But there are also a lot of worried people. Some remind him that “Fortnite” could die at any time, while others believe that an unrepeatable stage of their life is being lost. There are also those who think that without studies could have problems in the future, especially if their career in “Fortnite” does not last forever.
In spite of everything, Tarou has made it clear that he is not abandoning his education. He said he intends to study on his own and that he even has an interest in civil engineering and construction. His idea is to start learning about these issues this year, while he continues with “Fortnite” and YouTube. Only time will say if it was the best decision of your life … or a big mistake. What do you think?
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