Social networks do not forgive anything, and this time it touched a motel in San Luis Potosí in Mexico, which went viral for a curious advertising poster. The reason? In the announcement of the Motel Fleming Passion, an illustration that keeps a suspect similar to Jessie, the iconic villain of the Rocket team in “appears in”Pokémon“

The image, which can be confirmed on Google Street View on Av. Salvador Nava Martínez 800, shows the poster promoting an offer of 250 Mexican pesos for a 3 -hour stay (yes, obviously to do what you already suppose). But definitely the drawing of the red and curved hairstyle girl could not go unnoticed, and it is more than evident that it is a unofficial version of Jessie.
It was clear that the issue would explode in social networks, where Internet users soon jokes. Some mentioned that the Rocket team had changed business turn, while others wondered if the rooms were also named as the Pokémon or if the motel has some articles of the franchise inside.
Beyond viral advertising, it is more than clear that the building needs maintenance, as it has broken windows and a somewhat abandoned appearance. Perhaps the place is so ugly that, precisely because of that, you need advertising that attracts attention, and what it worked for them!
But the truth is that this is not the first business in Mexico that uses anime characters without official permits. Food stalls, bakeries, taquerías, piñatas stores, many businesses use this type of advertising to become viral on social networks (or, at least, within the colony) and attract potential customers.
And what do you think? Coincidence or someone in the motel is Pokémon fan?
Fountain: Google Street View
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