A press release recently surprised with interesting news: Anime studies PRODUCTION IG and Signal.md They will officially merge from June 1. In this fusion, Production Ig will be the survivor, while Signal.MD will disappear as an independent studymarking the end of more than a decade of history. While it sounds dramatic and sad, IG Port, the parent company, ensures that this is to optimize resources and improve group profits.

Interestingly, this fusion does not involve money, actions or rare transfers. It is rather an internal movement between “sibling studies”, since both studies are subsidiaries of IG Port. In addition, Production IG will continue to operate as now, without changes in its name, activities or address. It That it is not clear is still that it will happen with all the employees of Signal.MD, but it has remained silent about it.
Meanwhile, Signal.MD was founded in 2014 with Katsuji Morishita as its first president, and is currently under the command of Chinese Takatathi. Although the study did not have the same weight as other of his brothers, he left several anime jewels for memory, highlighting:
- “Net-Juu does not suspicate” (spring-2017)an anime that is still in the hearts of fans of online romantic comedies.
- “Cider no you or kotoba ga wakiagaru” (2021)a precious film that touches the heart with its unique style and its message about the human connection.
- “Fate/Grand Order: Shinsei Entaku Ryouiki Camelot 1 – Wandering; AGATERAM ”(2020)part of the acclaimed Fate franchise.
- “Yuragi-Sou no Yuuna-San Ova” (2018)an extra special for ECCHI fans and supernatural comedy.
- “Mars Red” (spring-2021)with a visual and narrative style that divided opinions but did not go unnoticed.
What do you think of this fusion? Do you think Signal.MD will be missed or that everything will continue as if nothing?
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(Tagstotranslate) Production-Ig (T) Signal-MD