The renowned light novel author, Uenami Kosukeknown for its popular titles “Remtheta Braves Online” and “A-Rank Party wo Ridatsu Shita Ore wa, Moto Oshiegotachi to Meikyuu Shinbu wo Mezasu“, has generated controversy on Twitter by criticizing the attitude of some readers who prefer to wait for a work to finish to buy all the books and thus show their support for the franchise and the author.

In his message, Uenami expressed: «Works that are held back with the excuse of ‘I don’t want it to be canceled halfway through, so I’ll wait until it’s finished to buy it’, will not be able to be completed. Of course, if they don’t sell, they are cancelled. In fact, they end at the point of cancellation».
Uenami argues that this mentality can be detrimental to the continuity and proper development of a series.. If a large number of readers adopt this stance, initial sales may be insufficient, leading to the possible cancellation of the work before it can be satisfactorily concluded. The author points out that this could force a rushed ending that does not reflect his true intention.
To illustrate his point, Uenami added: “If you want to read to the intended end, it’s actually the other way around. You must invest to get there! This not only applies to books and mangas, but to all content».
The author emphasized that business projects, unlike hobbies or pastimes, depend on continuous financial support to survive. «Commercial content will disappear if investments or payments stop. Therefore, if there is something you enjoy, it is better to bear the cost while it exists in the world, so that you can enjoy it longer.».
Uenami’s statements have opened a debate among fans and the reading community. Some agree with her perspective and understand the importance of financially supporting the series they enjoy, while others feel they can’t commit to a series without the guarantee that it will be completed.
The discussion highlights an important reality in the entertainment industry: the success and continuity of a work depends largely on the constant support of its followers.. Investment in books, mangas, and other content is crucial for authors to deliver the ending they have imagined and that fans so desire.
Fountain: Yaraon!