On the tenth anniversary of the anime adaptation of “No Game No Life“, the author of the original light novels, Yuu Kamiya, has generated great expectation among followers of the series by sharing an important update on its Twitter account. In your message, Kamiya expressed his fervent desire for a second season of the acclaimed anime to be produced, a request that finds echo among the franchise’s fervent fans..
- «The tenth anniversary of No Game No Life. Please make a second season!».

The request for a second season has fanned the flame of hope among the series’ followers, who have shown their support and enthusiasm on social networks. “No Game No Life” has established itself as a cult work since its release, attracting a passionate fan base for its inventive plot, charismatic characters and distinctive aesthetic. However, despite its popularity and the abundant material available to adapt from the light novels, a second season of the anime has not yet seen the light of day.
The reasons behind the absence of a second season have been a source of speculation among fans. Among the possible explanations is the lack of official confirmation from the animation studios responsible for the production. Additionally, the complexity of the anime industry, with its multiple financial and logistical factors, could be hindering the production process.
Another factor that has been mentioned is the controversy surrounding the author, who has faced criticism and controversies in the past, and although they have already been overcome, they still linger in the memory of fans. Despite these challenges, fan fervor and persistent demand could pave the way for a second season of the “No Game No Life” anime. With the support of the author himself, the possibility of seeing more adventures of Sora and Shiro on the screen continues to be a hope for followers of this exciting series.
Fountain: Official Twitter Account