As we have previously mentioned, Hatelabo: Anonymous Diary is a site where Japanese Internet users can write their thoughts and leave them posted anonymously to see the reaction of people on the Internet. Although it sounds like a silly idea, it is actually a way to publish writing without fear of being criticized or, worse, being displayed on social networks in the form of a screenshot.
However, many of the things that people post on this site generally become trending because they are often critical of what is popular at the moment. Recently, the publication of what is inferred to be a woman became a trend because she criticized, like many other women in the past, the proliferation of enormous female breasts in the anime industry.

His statement wrote:
- When I see boobs moving up and down, left and right, up and down, left and right, I can’t enjoy anime/games because the feeling of ‘pain’ takes precedence over ‘cute’. When a woman lets her boobs move freely without a bra, a pain similar to stubbing her pinky toe runs through both boobs and hurts to the point of not being able to move.
- I know they will say that real life should not be confused with fiction, but if an anime/game constantly showed a boy with an incessant erection, wouldn’t you start to feel uncomfortable and not pay attention to the story? There must be “pain empathy,” like when people watch someone else get hurt (whether people or animals), and their brains react in a way that they feel the pain too. I hoped men were capable of this.
- I’m not saying there’s anything good or bad about a pair of huge jiggling tits, and that’s not what it’s about… The title is a hook for people to read the text, but it is ridiculous for you to say your opinion about this or that having only read the title.

And of course, his words did not go unnoticed in the comment forums:
- «Let the weak men die. How much longer will these complaints towards sexualization continue?».
- «Why does seeing this excite men? Are they monkeys in constant heat?».
- «No healthy man gets turned on by seeing a pair of jiggling tits on screen. I suppose that only those who have little respect for women and who are not very manly are the ones who get turned on by this, and are potential sexual aggressors.».
- «It is discrimination that female nipples cannot be shown on television, when men’s nipples are allowed.».
- «Following this logic, would a girl get turned on if she saw some testicles swinging?».
- «The reality is that it hurts a lot when the breasts move like this, so it doesn’t excite me to see it. That’s a good point, although I wouldn’t feel pain if I saw testicles jiggling.».
- «It’s so obvious that skull-sized tits are totally unrealistic, so I don’t understand why the complaint».
- «So women don’t want to see a man stop? I thought that scene from Sono Bisque Doll wa Koi wo Suru had been popular because of that».
- «Why compare breasts and testicles? When it comes to balls, they are directly compared to pussy».
- «In other words, there is no point in criticizing something that is attractive to men but disgusting to women.».
- «Most of the animators are men, they make them draw boobs to motivate them during work».
Fountain: Yaraon!