This article includes spoilers for the manga “Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san.” Reader discretion is advised.
It has definitely been a long journey, being in publication since November 2017, the manga of Nanashi“Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san (Don’t Toy with Me, Miss Nagatoro)”, has remained one of the most popular romantic comedies in recent years. However, despite more than six years in serialization, the romantic advance of the story had been practically nil.
Of course, both protagonists, Naoto Hachiouji and Hayase Nagatoro have already internally admitted to being in love with each other, but they have not expressed it. The many occasions that have arisen where both could have confessed their feelings had been interrupted, and some fans, tired of waiting, vented their frustration on social networks.
Multiple threads were even created wishing for the immediate conclusion of the manga, because they considered that the author Nanashi was squeezing the story to the greatest extent possible (perhaps because it is his only popular non-hentai work), causing fans to gradually lose interest. But the wait is finally over, since Nagatoro and Senpai have finally confessed their feelings and started a relationship.

After the judo championship, Senpai asked Nagatoro to speak in a private place, and there he finally admitted that he had a change for the better thanks to her abuse. Faced with a surprised Nagatoro who possibly already smelled an upcoming confession, Senpai finally admits that he is in love with her and asks her to be his girlfriend. Nagatoro, after a beautiful panel, accepts his feelings and they both begin to walk along the beach.

However, Senpai remembers that they both have the promise of a pending kiss, and although he tries to do it there in front of everyoneNagatoro becomes too embarrassed that she even puts him in a judo lock accordingly, closing the chapter.

But of course, the long wait paid off, and now social networks are full of comments:
- «Honestly, this was a really nice thing to read.».
- «Nagatoro’s reaction upon hearing Senpai’s confession is beautiful».
- «It has finally happened».
- «This is really cinema, finally the wait is over».
- «Finally, the romantic comedy genre has been revived».
- «Did! The damn bastard did it! He confessed to Nagatoro!».
- «I just vercine and absolute happiness. I’ve always waited for this moment and I love how organically it came about. There is still one last event left, but I already feel that Nagatoro’s story is coming to an end».
- «Finally, this is a romantic comedy».
- «He did it! Nagatoro and Senpai are finally a couple!».
- «I hadn’t heard from Nagatoro for almost two years and, despite this, I am very happy for this moment».
- «It is incredible the rejection I have for this work, that not even a confession generates anything in me. Nagatoro really ruined an entire generation».
- «It took more than 140 chapters and almost 7 years for Nagatoro and Senpai to become a couple. But the episode was very good, one of my favorites to date».
Fountain: Official Twitter Account