In an event that took place in September 2020 and that still resonates in the memory of fans, the idol recorded “Hikari Hashimoto (橋本ひかり)” became the protagonist of an unforgettable moment during his participation in the renowned Japanese variety show “Speedwagon no Getsuyou THE NIGHT“. The charismatic model, recognized for her career as a gravure idol, decided to immerse herself in the challenge of the contest “Free Idol Free Appearance SP“, offering the audience a unique insight into his creative process during photography sessions.
It was in this context that the embarrassing incident occurred that remained etched in the collective memory. Hashimoto, dressed in a zip-up sweatshirt and a suggestive swimsuit underneath, opted to remove the sweatshirt to reveal her outfit. However, the unexpected move resulted in her bra sliding unexpectedly, exposing one of her nipples to the national audience. Despite the surprise and discomfort, Hashimoto emerged as the undisputed winner of the contest, thus marking her debut and, at the same time, her abrupt farewell to television.

The event quickly became a topic of conversation throughout the country, generating extensive media coverage and discussions on social networks. Even though several years have passed since that incident, fans continue to remember it, highlighting how this singular episode has left an indelible mark on Hashimoto’s career:
- «Oh god, Hikari-chan is so beautiful, no matter how you look at her».
- «The reaction of the presenters, what a laugh».
- «Showing your nipples to win a contest, who would have thought?».
- «I don’t understand, why can men show their nipples, but women can’t?».
- «What the hell! hahahaha».
- «Oh really? Is showing a nipple enough to be considered “naked”? How ridiculous».
- «What is people’s problem with female nipples? I love them».
- «This would be too much, imagine watching this program with the family, during dinner».
- «Oh god, the panic of the presenters. It’s good that they let her continue».
The notoriety achieved after the incident brought the gravure idol to an almost legendary status, becoming a figure and remembered in the Japanese entertainment scene. Although the model decided to step away from the spotlight, her legacy lives on in the memory of those who followed her career closely. The episode was not only a media curiosity but also a reminder of how one embarrassing moment can shape a celebrity’s path in unique and lasting ways.
Fountain: @kaz082 on Twitter