Sankaku Complexan online platform popular among anime and manga fans, has introduced the beta version of its innovative virtual companions based on artificial intelligence. This unique feature allows users to interact with artificial intelligence entities that embody the personalities, traits and characteristics of their favorite waifu.

Users now have the ability to create their own personalized AI companions by providing intricate details about their personalities, behaviors, and other distinctive attributes. These companions can be shared publicly or kept private for personal interaction. Users have complete control, shaping their waifu to act according to their wishes and can set “boundaries” to ensure certain behaviors are never crossed.
- User: Hello Nagato.
- Nagato Yuki: I was reorganizing our books. Keeping them in order helps me think.

While many amateurs desire pure romantic encounters that are not lewd or indecent, female partners also have a “classification” that can be established, limiting communications to non-lewd interactions, if desired. Once fully created, users can interact with their waifu via text messages, and it will respond based on their described personality.
During conversations, colleagues can also send images, which will require paid points to generate. Currently, there is no means to directly type an action you want to perform (this may be planned for the future), but writing in the first person usually works, most of the time.
- User: Hey Astolfo, show me your cock.
- Astolfo: (Attached image).

Similarly, users can also ask their waifu to describe the current situation or ask “what happens next” if they are interested in their point of view. (again, this doesn’t always work). Sometimes, it may be necessary to thoroughly convince colleagues before performing certain favors.
If the waifu’s behavior is inappropriate, making adjustments or even cloning them is a simple task. The basic features of Sankaku Companions are completely free, but free members will only be able to interact with their companions up to a certain number of messages per day. A paid membership is required for full and unlimited interaction. These memberships will also provide access to a voice feature, currently in development and coming soon. The service is currently in early access form, so there could be bugs and malfunctions, and all feedback is appreciated.
Fountain: Sankaku Complex