While some often call themselves “otakus” for the simple fact that they have watched an entire anime series, in reality the term in Japan is used to refer to people who are extremely fanatical about anything, be it anime, manga, video games or computers. . For example, a person who collects scale figures will be considered a “figure otaku” depending on what level they take their collection to.

Precisely the “level” is what defines “how otaku someone really is”, and although at the slightest sign that you like anime they call you “otaku” in the West, in Japan the use of the term is becoming less and less common. . This is how we get to the Twitter user “進撃のJapan (@roketdan2)“, who shares curious videos from Japan, and who showed an adult woman dressed in Anya Forger of “SPY x FAMILY” shopping at a convenience store.
Fortunately they added subtitles so we can understand what is happening and why the description mentions that “Anya bothers the cashier“: «Onii-san, trick or treating? If you don’t give me something to eat, I’m going to play a trick on you. How about? (They give him a candy) Anya likes sweets. (Leap) Trick or treat? (“Don’t point your finger at me,” the manager tells him and gives him another candy). Anya likes apple sweets».
The video continues with the woman making other jokes to the cashier, but the cringe was too much to continue translating the video. Maybe it would have been more acceptable if it had been a little girl in Anya Forger cosplay doing all the acting. Curiously, the video became a trend, adding more than 4 million views on Twitter and attracting comments like:
- «Our defeat in World War II was not only a defeat to our military power, but also a defeat to our cultural power.».
- «Please change the law so that we can beat these types of people to death.».
- «A simple three-part cosplay can attract widespread hate from the community».
- «The reason why cosplaying in public is considered taboo is because these types of people tend to wander around».
- «It is too painful to see that the current generation between 40 and 50 years old continues to believe that they are old enough to start dancing and record TikToks».
- «I would hit her as hard as I could».
- «You should think better about the things you do. Doing this kind of thing in the privacy of your home is fine, but involving third parties is wrong.».
- «Think about your age! The only people who look good doing this kind of thing are those under fifteen, dammit!».
- «I don’t understand why it would be a crime if I hit her».
- «How shocking! Is it Halloween yet? I feel sorry for the cashier. When he worked part-time and something like this happened, the assistant manager would show up to kick these types of people out.».
- «This old woman imitating Anya is the worst thing I’ve seen in a long time».
- «I’m sure the poor cashier forced to play with this ridiculous old woman was even punished by the manager».
- «Hmm, this would be harassment, wouldn’t it? He keeps bothering the manager and doesn’t let him do his job, it would even be obstruction of business. Gross».
- «Just for this moment, the cashier deserves a raise and an immediate promotion, what a shame I felt».
Fountain: @roketdan2 on Twitter