As we have already mentioned in previous articles, the “NTR” is an abbreviation of “Netorare“, a hentai genre starring the infidelity of one of the parties (usually by the wife). As a fetish, the NTR aims to provoke jealousy in the reader with a character having an affair with someone other than the protagonist. This is what has given NTR an infamous reputation among hentai consumers, who frequently express their rejection of the genre.
However, this could easily be resolved if these “delicate readers” stopped reflecting themselves in the protagonist. (usually drawn as a weak man), which would prevent them from feeling “personally affected” by the development of a story of infidelity. It is certainly difficult to understand why the “they are cartoons” does not apply here, an argument with which they defend the anime industry so much when it is attacked.
Anyway, leaving aside the context, It turns out that the combination “NTR” and “SPY x FAMILY” recently became a trend on social networks. But don’t worry, it’s not some trending doujinshi, but the most recent episode of the second season, “BERLINT IN LOVE / NIGHTFALL’S DAILY LIFE“, which inspired this trend.
In this episode, Becky, Anya Forger’s friend, is inspired by a television show to “conquer” Loid Forger, Anya’s father, with whom she fell in love at first sight since she saw him in a photograph. Obviously it is an impossible relationship given the immense age difference, but that is precisely what inspires Becky even more to break the mold. Of course, things don’t turn out the way she expected, but she ends up befriending Yor Forger by asking him to train her to become stronger.

Apparently this was an episode highly anticipated by fans, who were not disappointed by the “fidelity” to the original content. Evidently this also inspired internet artists and, hentai illustrations aside, Becky was definitely the center of attention. And of course, there was no shortage of comments:
- «I do not authorize grooming (in reality, there was none) or NTR (in reality, there was none). Damn overstimulated girl. If it’s like that with novels, I can’t even imagine it with TikTok. The most random episode of all».
- «Maybe I’m dreaming, but Loid’s smile towards Yor seems more genuine than the smile he gave Becky, which seems more like an act.».
- «Becky was very wild in this episode. Yor is simply enjoying life while Becky and Fiona lose their minds at their love being taken away, while Loid is oblivious and Anya has fun».
- «Becky telling Yor that she is the perfect woman is what we all think. good episode».
- «I already told you that this is the strangest and most questionable episode of SPY x FAMILY that I have seen, but I also laughed out loud at every nonsense that Becky said».
- «These people are stupid for sport. Loid is just a victim among all the foolish humans he has around him, poor thing. Becky definitely spends her time watching a lot of soap operas.».
- «What a laugh with crazy Becky. In the end she realized Yor’s charm and from rival she now became his apprentice.».
- «The faces are the best thing about the series. Becky has even made me uncomfortable. Fiona reappears after so long and is still as confused as ever».
- «If we thought the homewrecking cat was Nightfall, Becky Blackbell came to say: “Hold my GUCCI bag.”».
- «After several pedophile jokes and not knowing what to comment for more than two hours, we have an episode of these two Loid simps; Becky and Fiiona, although I doubt any of them will beat Yor».
- «Will Becky become a murderer in the future? That would be incredible».
Fountain: Twitter