As we have already commented in previous articles, “Onii-chan” is a Japanese word for a “eldest brother“commonly used by women to refer to any man slightly older than her, regardless of whether they are actually brothers or not. In the social media community, the term “Onii-chan” has gained quite a bit of notoriety among otakus around the world as a term to refer to the most attractive male characters in anime and manga franchises.

However, the term “Onii-chan” is definitely much more popular when expressed with a “loli voice”, that is, a fairly high-pitched female voice used to portray underage characters, especially female ones. Thus, otakus feel that a little girl is calling them “little brother,” and they even often add “daisuki” to the phrase to form “Onii-chan daisuki“, which translates as “I love you very much, little brother“.
Obviously all this is without a sexual connotation (or most of the time it is), and it is more so that fans of this type of thing feel happy to feel loved by someone. And that is precisely what we are going to talk about today, since a video on social networks recently became a trend. The video shows an “Onii-chan Contest”, which consists of the participants saying “Onii-chan” with the tone that we already mentioned, and the public decides the winner with their applause.
Of course, being a spectator of this type of dynamics without knowing the context definitely produces a feeling of sadness when watching the video. (or even knowing the context you can get the feeling), however, these contests are typical within otaku conventions around the world, even in Latin America.
However, it must be admitted that the video is quite strange, since you can hear someone speaking in Spanish in the first second of the video, but the participants are all Asian. It is likely that some streamer was watching the video live and what we see are cuts of it. And let’s not leave aside the reactions:
- «I don’t like this, I don’t understand it».
- «Even if they were pointing a gun at me, I wouldn’t do this kind of thing in public.».
- «I don’t understand what is happening».
- «Reason #234123 why I don’t admit to being an anime fan».
- «Acting as an anime character in 2023? I thought we had evolved a little».
- «This is torture, it’s precisely that, right?».
- «What the hell did I just see? I don’t understand».
- «Only three percent of bird species have penises, I think that same applies right now».
- «I have a serious question, no offense intended. Is it a men-only competition? Because I must say that my crotch reacted to the last contestant».
- «I don’t know what I just saw, but I’m sure of one thing, that room smells horrible.».