In the month of November, Japan immerses itself in unofficial festivities, highlighting the peculiar relationship between the numbers that make up the dates and the celebrations. In particular, November 30 is also known as the “Good Butt Day (Ii Oshiri no Hi – いいおしりの日)“, a holiday that has captured the attention of artists and the Twitter community.
This event, which is officially commemorated on November 4, has returned to the scene thanks to its mention in the video game Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash, where November 30 is also designated as “Butt Day.” The phonetic coincidence between “11 (November)” and “Ii (good)” has led to the appreciation of various things during each day of this month, culminating in the fun celebration of “Good Butt Day.”
Otaku artists and the Twitter community have quickly come together to share illustrations related to this holiday. In this article, we present a selection of the least suggestive illustrations to avoid problems with today’s Google finesse, but for those interested in exploring further, you can visit the official celebration hashtag #いいおしりの日.
This taste for the artistic representation of women’s nether regions in otaku culture has generated debate. Factors such as aesthetics and artistic style, the influence of Japanese pop culture, the relationship with taboos and the expression of diversity of tastes contribute to this phenomenon. It is essential to understand that individual preferences vary, and these artistic representations can be considered a liberating and creative expression within the otaku subculture.

Fountain: Twitter