The month of November stands as a momentous period for Internet culture in Japan, full of unofficial dates dedicated to celebrating various genres and concepts rooted in otaku culture. Among these anniversaries, November 10 stands out as a particularly striking day, taking advantage of the Japanese writing of the date to create word games that give meaning to the holiday. This day, known as “Ii Waki no Hi,” literally translates as “Good Armpits Day“, and fans are delighted with his arrival.
The peculiarity of this day lies in the diversity of the armpit fetish, from those who prefer completely shaved armpits to those who enjoy “sucking mangoes” that is, armpits with an abundance of hair. To satisfy all tastes, colors and artists flood social networks with thematic illustrations, sharing their creativity under the hashtag “#いい腋の日” (#GoodArmpitsDay).
A taste for female armpits is just one facet of otaku preferences, competing with other interests such as a love for breasts, butts, and thighs. This eccentricity has gained notoriety in otaku culture, generating debates and reflections on the diversity of tastes in the community. Despite the uniqueness of “Good Armpits Day,” it is a reminder of the rich and varied palette of preferences that otaku embrace, creating a space where artistic expression and fun are uniquely intertwined.

Fountain: Twitter