Today, November 8, Japan celebrates the “Good Day Oppai (Ii Oppai no Hi)“, a unique holiday that is derived from a clever play on words based on the date written in Japanese (08/11). In this letter game, “11” becomes “Ii (いい)“, which means “Good”; “0” becomes “Or (お)“; and the “8” becomes “Pa (っぱ)“, related to the Chinese pronunciation of that number. Adding once again the “i (い)“, we obtain “Ii Oppai no Hi (いいおっぱいの日)“, which translates to “Good Boobs Day.”
This unique celebration has gained popularity among Twitter artists and fans of the anime industry. On “Good Oppai Day,” various illustrations are shared to commemorate the occasion, all accompanied by the special hashtag: #いいおっぱいの日. Artists and fans participate in this celebration in a creative and playful way, paying tribute to the clever play on words that has given rise to this holiday.
Why are breasts a popular taste in anime? While preferences vary widely, some anime fans are attracted to female breasts due to several factors. In the anime and manga industry, female characters are often drawn in a stylized and attractive manner, and breasts are depicted in an exaggerated manner, which can be visually striking.
Cultural stigmatization and exploration of sexuality are additional factors, as Japanese society has a unique relationship with sexuality and sexual expression, and anime and manga culture has challenged some of these stigmas. In some cases, large breasts are used to explore sexuality more openly or challenge social norms.
It is important to note that although breasts are often highlighted in anime, this does not mean that they are the only attractive feature on female characters. The diversity in fan preferences is immense, with some preferring other physical attributes, personalities, or focusing on plot and character building rather than physical aspects.

Fountain: Twitter