As we have already mentioned in previous articles, Argentina is in the middle of an electoral period that currently has two candidates positioned for the presidential seat: Javier Milei and Sergio Massa, current minister of economy of said country. Because neither of them could comply with certain statutes established in the electoral process, a second round will be held this month to decide the final winner.
Curiously, Javier Milei was a candidate who became quite popular among Internet users, not only for his speeches (which we will not talk about in this article, nor about their proposals) but because of the relationship he began to forge with the community of anime fans. The local press in Argentina even compared it with Pochita of Chainsaw Mandefining it as “a demon that other demons fear.”

This comparison led the candidate (or rather, his followers) to begin using Pochita as Javier Milei’s “mascot.”, a movement that could be observed in more than one crowd of people. Although Milei lost the first round, The immense movement surely made more than one realize that the otaku community (manga and anime fans) It is of a considerable enough size to “make a difference.”
Perhaps that is why, recently, a “COMMUNICATION TO THE OTAKU VOTER” began to circulate on social networks, calling on this community not to vote for Javier Milei:
- Today, not only a country is in dispute, but also how the consumption of the community that we love so much will occur. Every Argentine otaku knows that lately, since the pandemic, the price of manga has become quite expensive and that the price increase should be stopped, which is why the discontent of most of the community is understandable.
- In any case, we are avoiding being able to see how the measures that Javier Milei wants to implement affect our community. Firstly, the dollarization of the economy would cause prices to be updated to a much higher value than they are at the moment, which would make the consumption of manga practically impossible, analyzing it from a minimum wage converted to a dollar price in the Milei government. The cheapest prices will be for manga brought from abroad, affecting national industries and forcing us not to read in our language.
- The update, with the destruction of the peso as currency, would directly affect the regionalization of prices, which could affect the low cost that Crunchyroll currently has in our country due to the conversion of the Argentine salary to dollars. Therefore, as is also going to happen in the video game community, consumers are going to have to fall into piracy again.
- We have to be able to speak out loud defending our consumption from a brutal increase that we have been experiencing at the hands of the different companies that distribute manga. It is okay to be dissatisfied with the fact that it is so difficult to consume what we like so much, but we must also think about the fact that the next government is suggesting that a large part of our income will go into debt for health and education, and we will not be able to continue consuming this beautiful world that we are passionate about, which is that of anime and manga.
- Let’s raise our voices and defend what is ours. Not to Milei.

We have not bothered to check where the original image came from and we will not do any analysis of what is mentioned in it. However, the logo that appears at the end of the “statement” is part of the franchise of Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagannspecifically from the brigade that makes up the protagonists.
But what we can collect are comments from the community, What did Argentine Internet users think when they found out about this statement? Let’s review!
- «Unless your goal is to live in a mud hut all your life, in a country where the doormen of the buildings work because copper is worth more than the broken currency we have, then yes, vote for the Mafioso from Massa who will surely we are going to do better».
- «Since they make a statement for the “otaku voter”, it denotes the level of fart they have in their heads, these do have time to fart».
- «Otaku voter, hahaha. These guys flashed development arc».
- «These infiltrators in “communications” claim to be otakus, BTS fans, Swifters or whatever to scare people. They already did it with transportation and now this is supremely low. They treat everyone like idiots, I hope they don’t agree with them».
- «“Communication to the otaku voter”, hahaha. Argentina is one of the countries in Latin America. Above the Guren-dan logo at the end, crazy. One is missing for gamers with “Sonic Says: Vote for this guy, the other one is no go”».
- «I do not know what to think. It disgusts me that they are trying to vote for Massa».
- «No wonder those who are not elitist gave that anime a 6.5.».
- «I’m going to vote for Milei, I’m tired of paying a fortune for very cheap One Piece merchandising because the cool stuff is all out there and it’s ten times more expensive than there because of the import taxes».
- «What they say doesn’t make any sense, by not buying domestic and lower demand, the price drops. It makes it easier to obtain products from abroad and that will increase domestic competition.».
- «Maybe the prices of services end up dollarized when inflation skyrockets, just as is happening with Steam. And the manga industry has a historical problem with transferring currency, so on that side it doesn’t matter either.».
- «Grande Massa with taxes on Steam that are between 60% and 100% or even more reaching 107% or 110% in taxes. How great Massa, the one who limits imports when manga and anime figures are imported objects. It sure won’t affect our hobbies.».
Fountain: Twitter