As we have previously mentioned, many of today’s romantic comedies are going through their most exciting story arcs, and the manga of Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san (Don’t Toy with Me, Miss Nagatoro) is no exception. After six years, the most recent story arc includes the protagonists Hayase Nagatoro and Naoto Hachiouji making a bet to finally confess their feelings to each other.

While Nagatoro bets that if he wins the local judo championship he will receive a kiss, Naoto bets that if he gets first place in the mock art exam he will have to confess his feelings. Unfortunately, Senpai did not manage to achieve what he expected, as he took second place in the practice exam.
And while fans thought this meant this would lead to the manga further delaying the two confessing their feelings, the story had reached a point where Senpai had finally been cornered. Although the surprise did not last long, since the fans had to see how their illusions were broken at the same time that they returned to see the same insecure Senpai as always who had bothered them so much at the beginning.

After Senpai confesses that he did not get first place in the mock exam, Nagatoro becomes visibly sad upon realizing that Senpai will not confess his feelings to him. While some thought this would put pressure on Senpai, it turns out that he asks for more time to do so. Naoto indicates that he will try again in the next practice exam, which will be until next winter (which seems to be quite a while, seeing Nagatoro’s reaction).

The chapter continues with the two sharing a lunch and with Nagatoro pointing out that their bet is still active, so she will “take charge of the situation.” This would have made for an interesting development for the manga, but Senpai refuses to let things move forward so that Nagatoro is the one who confesses first.

Anyway, it still remains to be seen if Nagatoro will win the local judo championship, but the fans did not hold back their comments when they saw that, for the moment, there will be no romantic confession:
- «Jesus, it’s depressing how thirsty this poor girl is for hands and shit. Just confess and that’s it».
- «Oh for the love of God. Nagatoro should get up and leave it at this point. Or take it by force. He will never pull the trigger».
- «I feel like killing Senpai once and for all».
- «Death to the damned editor, let him suffer many needles in his scrotum as payment for these blue balls of ours».
- «Nanashi is a bad writer, he should be aware of how retarded this is».
- «Fuck Senpai, it really doesn’t take that much trickery and theater to tell a girl that you like her and that you want to go out with her.».
- «He goes to confess it during Nagatoro’s last fight to give him the motivation to win. It has to be this way, for my mental health».
- «Someone should punch this moron, and also the author, for that matter.».
- «Ugh, and here I thought he was joking. What a waste of character development.».
- «Faggot with fucking glasses. You better at least get a development like in the Hot Springs Arch while you were naked. Fuck giving shitty answers to a girl like that».
- «Actually, the manga is bad because you want it to be good and Nanashi made it bad trying to please you and this all makes a lot of sense.».
- «Nagatoro has massive patience with this jerk, but it seems like things have gone too far now».
- «Even Nagatoro already looks tired of all this shit and wants to take matters into her own hands. You can tell that she is the one who has the balls in this relationship».
- «Yes Yes! The boy is getting it. He drops the stupid self-imposed rules and takes your wife. Abe didn’t die so you can chicken out now!».
- «Are they going to delay every step of their relationship with these stupid bets? Like the name of your first child and all that?».
- «Reminder that Senpai’s cowardice has long ceased to be part of his character and is now just the manifestation of the author wanting to continue milking his main series, without which we would have already seen these two as a couple».
- «Come on senpai, you’ve wasted like a hundred fucking chances to confess, and when you finally get around to it you choose an incredibly difficult, almost RNG-related objective. Are you going to keep hanging around until it’s too late? We’ve been through this before, when you got scared at the thought of waiting too long and losing Nagatoro. Are you going to keep playing with his feelings just to satisfy your shitty ego?».
- «Japan has catastrophic birth rates for a reason. I used to feel bad for them, but now I think they deserve extinction».
- «This is without a doubt the most autistic romantic comedy there is. It’s funny how this one got popular and people mock the writing of Japanese rom-coms for being unrealistic, when there are things out there that would be nicer by Western standards, but are ignored.».
- «Pack up guys, it’s all bullshit. I predict 6 more months of extension at least. I wonder how much more slander Senpai will have to deal with in the meantime. Remember how everyone loved Senpai before the hot springs and couldn’t wait for him to continue developing as a man? Because I do; It was like 10 months ago, but I remember, damn».
Fountain: 4chan