As we have already mentioned in previous articles, the manga of Komi-san wa, Komyushou Desu (Komi Can’t Communicate) has become a trend with its most recent story arc. Although the work has lasted for more than 400 chapters, The most recent ones have shown significant progress in the relationship between the two protagonists, Shouko Komi and Tadano Hitohito..
The most recent episode went viral after showing Komi crying in her bed before going to sleep. However, it wasn’t a sad scene, but more of a comic relief. It turns out that after her first kissing experience with Tadano, Komi can’t stop wanting to kiss him every moment. After remembering him and even fantasizing about him, Komi begins to cry for the fact that “she has become a very immoral woman.”

This panel soon went viral because fans were quick to compare the panel to other manga girls who have been shown crying, either out of frustration or something related to their libido. One of the most popular memes included Marin Kitagawa crying in Sono Bisque Doll wa Koi wo Suru (My Dress-Up Darling) already Kazuya Kinoshita crying in Kanojo, Okarishimasu (Rent A Girlfriend). We will not go into the details of these scenes so as not to ruin them with spoilers.

Anyway, this new development in Komi-san’s relationship did not go unnoticed by fans, who were quick to leave comments about it:
- «My brain can’t take it anymore. I need to shout it! There’s too much sweetness in this teen romance!».
- «Oh no, this is too cute for me».
- «What a beautiful day to hug a tree at 240 kilometers per hour».
- «Gosh brother, teenage love will never stop being adorable».
- «She has turned on her bitch mode, the libido is too much to contain. They’ll probably make the jump to sex pretty soon.».
- «I imagine this is how his father acted during his teenage years.».
- «Quiet types tend not to know self-control. As in Why Are You Here Sensei, the quietest and most reserved of the teachers ends up being the most sexually active (even though her first time was a rough and awkward start. However, she managed to get over it). But she must be taking her teenage husband to task, because the advice she gives to another woman about love is downright horrible and goes against what she lived, that she was responsible.».
- «Oh, now I imagine that when they are married it will be Komi who wants to have sex every night».
- «I’m too single to enjoy this story, but I can’t put it down.».
- «Komi-san is slowly becoming Kaguya-sama with each new chapter».
- «My heart can’t take it anymore, I could die at any moment with one of these chapters».
- «This entire chapter was made specifically to give me diabetes».
Fountain: Facebook