A screenshot of the smartphone video game “Atelier Resleriana: Forgotten Alchemy & the Liberator of Polar Night” went viral on social media in Japan. The capture shows the protagonists of “Atelier Sophie” and “Atelier Ryza“Sophie Neuenmuller and Reisalin Stouttogether on stage.
The capture went viral because it reveals, once again, the massive size of Ryza’s thighs compared to any of the other girls in the franchise. Ryza’s thighs are significantly larger than Sophie’s, and some fans pointed out that even Sophie’s two thighs together don’t match Ryza’s in size.

This isn’t the first time Ryza’s thighs have made headlines. The character is known for his large, voluptuous thighs, which have been the subject of memes and thousands of illustrations. Ryza has been praised by her fans for her unique design and energetic personality.
There are several reasons why Ryza thighs are so popular. Firstly, they are large and voluptuous, which makes them striking to some people. Secondly, they are well defined and muscular, which gives them an attractive and healthy appearance. Third, they are a prominent part of her design, as Ryza often wears skirts or shorts that reveal her legs.
Interest in Ryza’s thighs has been reinforced by the fact that they have been growing throughout the franchise’s installments. In the first Atelier Ryza game, she had slimmer thighs, but in later installments they have become increasingly larger and more voluptuous. This has contributed to its popularity, as some fans consider large thighs to be more attractive.

Unfortunately, some fans have criticized Ryza for being a sexualized character. They argue that her large thighs are a sexual stereotype and that her design is intended to attract men to the video game. Others, however, argue that Ryza is not a sexualized character. They point out that their thighs are a natural part of their design and that their personality is strong and independent.
But why don’t we review the comments about it?
- «That’s what I call “respecting the original model.”».
- «It’s like three times bigger than the other girls’ normal models.».
- «I think Sophie’s legs would break easily, or maybe Ryza’s massive hams have already altered my reality?».
- «They are too thick, her thighs. They are so fat and full that I would rather use them as a pillow».
- «I think Sophie is a cute girl, but Ryza would be a bit of a pain to hold, if you know what I mean.».
- «The one with the thin legs, in fact, is the normal girl. Please don’t expect to find many real girls with Ryza’s dimensions, be realistic guys».
- «Well, I think it’s perspective. The girl in the back is so far away that she looks very thin, and consequently, Ryza looks too fat.».
Fountain: Otakomu