The world of manga and anime has been rocked by an exciting and heated debate sparked by the latest illustration of “One Punch Man“. The image in question shows the protagonist, Saitama, performing an epic feat by lifting weights with black holes on the ends, implying that they are extremely heavywith a surprising mass equivalent to ten times that of the Sun on each side.

This provocative image has created a notable divide between die-hard fans of “One Punch Man” and equally passionate followers of “dragon ball“. The conflict has manifested itself on social networks and discussion forums, where followers of both franchises have been exchanging passionate arguments.
“One Punch Man” fans have used this illustration as evidence that Saitama is, indisputably, the most powerful character in the world of manga and anime. They argue that lifting weights of infinite weight is a feat that surpasses any feat displayed by Son Goku in “Dragon Ball.”
On the other hand, the followers of “Dragon Ball” were not left behind in the defense of their hero, Son Goku. They have pointed out that comparisons between the two characters are complex and that the “Dragon Ball” universe has its own scales of power and challenges. They argue that Son Goku has faced enemies that threatened to destroy the entire universe, demonstrating his impressive strength.
It’s important to note that this passionate debate primarily involves the most die-hard fans of both franchises and does not necessarily reflect the opinions of all fans. Both series, “One Punch Man” and “Dragon Ball,” have their own appeal and unique merits, and this lively exchange of opinions only demonstrates the passion and love that fans have for their respective franchises.
But you’re probably here to read comments, so let’s get to it:
- «Some saying that Saitama is stronger than Goku, but no one talks about the resistance of the bank holding up the two black holes».
- «That’s not being strong, that’s violating the laws of physics.».
- «Although it depends, being able to destroy a galaxy is literally being able to destroy a black hole. And although it is not canon, Broly was seen destroying a galaxy».
- «But, but, but, Goku can’t lose, Goku is the strongest, no! Please, dear god, give Gocuck a new hair dye to humiliate that bald guy.».
- «We’re talking about the guy who can move intangible objects with his hand, or peel an entire natural satellite just by shaking the area of four fingers.».
- «In Dragon Ball Super, Goku was hit with a heart-shaped black hole attack and he just endured it, in base state by the way.».
- «It makes no sense to compare the strength of two different manga characters. Tomorrow Toriyama can come and say that Goku can suck in galaxies with the strength of his lungs and then who would be stronger? If everything can change with a simple decision of the author».
- «Saitama is always going to be stronger but not because he literally is. He’s always going to be stronger than any other character. It’s a mockery of shonen characters and powerful ones.».
- «Saitama is from now… like anyone. Furthermore, his ability is not surprising at all… If tomorrow someone creates a character who can defeat his enemies with just one breath, what are they going to say? Goku is unique and his will is to always be the strongest».
- «People taking this super seriously and arguing to say that Goku is better. Literally all of One Punch Man is humor and the character’s joke is precisely to be a parody of the typical hero that he always wins».
- «We already have a rival for the farmer who faced Raditz».
- «He is already at Yamcha’s level, congratulations Saitama!».
- «It is one thing for the bald guy to be able to support the weight and something very different for a stool to support the weight of both.».
- «Incredible, with this Saitama shows that he can now defeat Commander Ginyu in Namekian frog form».
Fountain: Official Twitter Account