He little sisters dayknown as “imouto no hi” in Japanese, is a Japanese holiday established by the mangaka and author Kunio Hatada in 1991. This day is celebrated every September 6 and has a unique and significant history.

The idea for this day arose around 1991, when Hatada published several works related to research on ‘types of brothers’, such as his work “The Power of Younger Sisters: A Sociological Study“. Among her findings, she noted that women who are successful in activities like sports and entertainment tend to be little sisters themselves.
The choice of the specific date was based on the astrological sign of Virgo, which Hatada considered representative of the ‘universally cherished love symbolized by little sisters’. In particular, he explained that September 6 was chosen because it is exactly one day before the constellation Virgo reaches its midpoint in its commonly accepted average longitude, which runs from August 23 to September 22.
And why are we talking about this? Well, it turns out that the producer anime partyrecognized for her projects for adults, celebrated this date by promoting the hentai series again Overflow. This is undoubtedly one of the most popular adult series in the entire industry, so much so that it is one of the first hentai officially dubbed into Latin Spanish by Anime Onegai.
And in case you don’t remember, here’s the synopsis again:
- Kazushi Sudou is a university student who receives a visit from his two childhood friends, the sisters Ayane and Kotone Shirakawa. When Ayane discovers that Kazushi has not only forgotten to buy her pudding, but is also using his special lotion in the bath, she decides to take revenge and join Kazushi in his bath along with Kotone. Will the perverted Kazushi be able to remain indifferent to both?

What other adult anime of little sisters comes to mind?
Fountain: Official Twitter account