a short time ago Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury reached its conclusion, being one of the stories of true yuri (not “YuriBait”, like many others) that apparently did have a satisfactory conclusion. Telling the story of Suletta Mercury, who comes to Asticassia School of Technology all by herself, the series kept the viewers quite excited from the first to the last episode.

While the final episode, titled “May All Blessings Find Their Way to You, I’m Wishing It“He made it quite clear that Suletta settled on Earth with Propera and that Miorine is with them, it was not specified what happened to the relationship between the two. This union marked a beautiful conclusion to the story and a new beginning for the couple, but what happened to them next?
Since Episode 17 it had been made clear that Suletta had romantic feelings for Miorine, so fans knew that, considering her personality, she would be the one to take the reins of the relationship and take it to the “next step”.
This is how we arrived at what brings us together today, since in the most recent edition of the magazine Gundam Ace included an interview with the voice actresses kana ichinose and Lynnwho interpret Suletta Mercury and Miorine Rembranrespectively. In this exchange, both confirmed that the two protagonists got married towards the end of the story.:
- Lynn: «In that scene, I thought that Suletta had died, and I was silently screaming in my heart. I cried. It may have been the first time I’ve cried during dubbing recordings».
- Kana Ichinose: «The scene where the two were leaning towards each other in the epilogue was great. After 3 years, the two became even closer, and seeing them married and trusting each other really touched me.».
- Lynn: «I hope Miorine will look ahead and continue on her way smoothly with a smile.».
- Kana Ichinose: «I bet it doesn’t matter if something big happens in the future, they’ll both be fine. I wish you happiness for the rest of your lives.».