All trial dates against shinji aoba44 years old, unemployed with no fixed address, in the case of the arson attack on the first studio building Kyoto Animation in which 36 people died, have finally been established.

The jury trial is scheduled to be held 32 times in total, with the first trial scheduled for September 5 of this year, the conclusion of the trial on December 13 of this year, and the verdict on January 25 of next year. Shinji Aoba, 44, was charged with the murder of 36 employees in December 2020 in the case of the Kyoto Animation studio arson attack.
This month, four years after the incident, the Kyoto District Court began pre-trial proceedings, in which the court, the prosecution, and the defense will settle points of contention beforehand. According to the officials, in addition to the organization of affairs, the appointment of a jury will also be discussed. The biggest question will probably be whether and to what extent Aoba is criminally responsible.
The news also reached the comment forums:
- «So it will take another six months to hang it.».
- «How long will it take to release an anime about his life?».
- «How many years have passed since then? Is this really a first world country?».
- «It’s ironic that the lives of dozens of people from Kyoto Animation perished that very day, but Aoba’s life continues to drag on as his trial is delayed.».
- «This is all a fucking waste of time, kill it and that’s it».
- «There is a Code that says that the death penalty must be applied within six months after the sentence is passed, but did you know that it usually takes up to a year to kill the defendant?».
- «I remember Kato Tomohiro, the one who stabbed dozens of people in Akihabara in 2008. He was sentenced to death in 2015. Do you know when he was killed? Last year».
- «Too bad we only have hanging and firing squad as methods of execution. It would have been perfect to burn it again».
- «So they are going to discuss 32 times the things that the subject already confessed to doing? What the hell do they want to achieve!».
- «Isn’t justice supposed to be immediate knowing that he already confessed to his crimes? What’s the point of living in a fucking advanced country?».
- «Millions of yen from the public purse will be spent for this stupidity, to prosecute someone who has already pleaded guilty.».
- «He will be tried and sentenced to 32 death sentences, which is completely stupid.».
- «The death penalty is pretty obvious to this guy, what the hell is the need to make 32 trials against him?».