Twitter user “@cicada3301_kig” became a trend recently after ensuring that the otokonoko (also known as “femboys” either “rags“) already have the same possibilities as women to make heterosexual men fall in love.
- «Cross-dressing, seriously, is something that I would like men to experience, even if they are not fetishists, and realize that a significant part of male sexual desire is directed towards the outfit, not the female body.».

- «The part where you look like a virgin girl and look weirdly cute is something you only get with your outfit, so if you own a few outfits and seriously experiment handling them yourself, that “unconformity” feeling will really go away and you won’t look really a man».

- «There are also heterosexual men in many classes. There are some who see the female body as the object of her arousal, even if the girl is not wearing any clothes and they have no relationship with her. There are others who are actually attracted to a person because of the clothes they are wearing, but they do not realize it and believe that what turns them on is the female body. And there are others who fall in love through a human relationship (a way of being), so you should think about what kind of are you?».

- «Putting on clothes of the opposite sex and being sexually aroused by it does not make you a homosexual, you are simply a fetishist. Unfortunately, people are getting these things wrong because the LGBT agenda is bastardizing the term with the introduction of hormones and surgical changes.».

And what do the Japanese think in the comment forums? Well let’s review:
- «Sexual desire seems to be rooted in instinct. In fact, I think it’s largely wishful thinking. It is rather something sustained by a very fragile idea, very malleable».
- «I remember a girl at my university who was very ugly, and she usually wore pants. When she wore a dress in front of everyone during a school festival, or something like that, all the boys started looking at her with desire. She was not wearing any makeup, but they began to say that she was very pretty and to ask for her name.».
- «I remember once the comedian Junji Takada was walking down the street dressed as a woman, and an old man tried to peek out from under his skirt!».
- «Well, I think the outfits depend a lot on the situation. For example, a nurse or stewardess uniform, depending on the situation is the reaction that a man has».
- «This is probably why femboys (otoko no musume) are very popular among straight men. On the outside, they meet all the requirements to be attractive, and many do not care “what’s inside”».
- «I don’t need to experience it to know that outfits are what turn a man on. That being said, I don’t know what to think, I think it depends on “how much of a man he looks like”».
- «After all, men only respond to “what they see”, and since we don’t live naked, it means that a good part of the sexual arousal comes from the clothes the other person is wearing.».
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