Undoubtedly, Twitter is one of the largest social media platforms in the world. And because it is a social network where anyone can share their opinion on anything, it also becomes a tool to ridicule others. So Twitter is an extremely toxic platform due to people freely sharing their incomplete opinions.
The latter is due to the character limit per publication, which only allows users to form unfinished sentences. Having a limited number of characters prevents you from having a good conversation or sharing a thought-provoking opinion using only a short paragraph. And sure, we know that threads exist, but often users only read the first post in a thread (in the same way that many people only read the news headlines, but not the content).

Anyway, why are we here to talk about this? Well, it turns out that Japanese netizens also began to debate in a popular comment forum, and they are wondering: Is Twitter Ruining Japan’s Society?. Let’s check the comments.
- «I think that the society of Japan was not yet ready for social networks».
- «I agree, all of Japan should stop using Twitter as the main social network».
- «Everything is very abnormal, as if the whole country has become extremely sensitive to contrary opinions.».
- «I think it’s generally because Twitter promotes negative posts among its users.».
- «Even though Japan has the peculiarity of having a “clean society”, it seems that it can get dirty when they come across something as dirty as Twitter.».
- «Twitter has no problem with defamation, fornication with minors and even the exploitation of minors, but it severely punishes erotic anime illustrations».
- «I don’t quite understand how it is that people can publish their opinions on a subject without fear of being criticized».
- «At first, I didn’t care about Twitter. But once I got a lot of likes on a post, so I suddenly started feeling the need for social approval.».
- «Oh no, the monsters that require social approval began to be born, just as Bocchi said».
- «It shouldn’t be a problem, but the Japanese weren’t ready yet.».
- «The smart thing to do is to avoid things that seek to create controversy, but we feel a natural attraction to this type of thing.».
- «It’s amazing that if you don’t use Twitter, you won’t be able to keep up with the current world.».
- «They shouldn’t care so much about the approval of people they don’t even know in real life. Why are people like this?».
- «This is all because Twitter promotes things that don’t deserve to be promoted.».
- «People would probably be happier if they stopped comparing themselves to others, stop looking to the sides, and just look straight ahead.».