Arts Workers Japanan association of voice actors (seiyuus) and freelance musicians (that is, they are not represented by any agency), held a press conference in Tokyo on May 8 to convey their concern that the development of artificial intelligence (AI) may take away the art of expression, and that many people in the sector may lose their jobs. On the same day as the press conference, the association sent a written petition to the Cultural Affairs Agency of Japan’s Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology and other agencies requesting the establishment of laws that strengthen efforts to protect rights.

At the press conference, The association noted that AI is likely to create animation, movies, and music without voice actor (seiyuu) or actor demonstrations, and the jobs of staff involved in their production will be lost.. For example, AI newscasters are increasingly replacing human newscasters to read the news on Japanese newscasts.
Megumi Morisakipresident of the association and actress, argued in this regard: «AI advances will further disrupt the way we work». He stressed the need for new provisions for rights related to artists and for legislation that allows artists and others to seek adequate compensation when an AI creates a work based on their work.
The association was created in 2021 and has about 52,000 members, including voice actors, artists, actors, and stage personnel. According to their website, Art Works Japan has as purpose “create an environment in which people who work in the arts and entertainment can receive social security, maintain their physical and mental health, receive fair rewards, and continue to work safely in the field of arts and entertainment“.