When Bocchi the Rock! premiered in October 2022, it brought joy to many of the fans who watched the entire series, but it also brought a problem that perhaps some have since noticed: the nickname of the protagonist, “Bocchi”, overshadowed that of another protagonist of a previous franchise that had also become a trend at the time.

Is about Hitoribocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu (Hitori Bocchi’s Lifestyle), which tells the story of Bocchi Hitori, a high school student who suffers from extreme anxiety that prevents her from making new friends in her new class. With the promise that she will be reunited with her best friend from the first, Bocchi will have to make friends with her entire class before the end of the school term.
The fans of the now called “Bocchi Original“They spent funny moments watching her social slip-ups, and sad moments watching her hardships, but there is a phrase that she said constantly and that possibly stayed in the minds of the viewers:”Please don’t forget Bocchi Hitori».
And although the “Bocchi Rosada” became the benchmark for “Bocchis” (that is, when someone mentions “Bocchi”, most think of the guitarist), some communities of fans have not stopped remembering it, which they call “the original”. A well-known Facebook group has been in charge of carrying out a dynamic where on a certain day of the week they make publications to remember this adorable girl, but one of the members took things further.
In the video you can see Bocchi Hitori in his bear pajamas cleaning the floor, accompanied by the text: “I’m just cleaning your screen because I don’t want you to forget about me. My name is Hitori Bocchi. My favorite food is rice with nato». This is quite a meme shared on social networks, but the interesting thing here is, where is that screen? Well, it turns out that it is in Times Square, in New York!
The user in question revealed that this was achieved through the TSX service, which rents the screen for fifteen seconds after reviewing the content proposed by the client. The order must be a 15-second video uploaded by the user, who chooses an available time slot to stream, and then pays as little as $40 for screening. Of course, one of the conditions is that the client must live in the United States, but it is not something that cannot be solved with a VPN.
It certainly is an impressive dedication towards the goal of making everyone remember Hitori Bocchi, and his action did not go unnoticed among the community:
- «Damn, how I love this group».
- «Of course, Bocchi Deity».
- «Of course, Bocchi making an appearance in one of the most iconic places in New York».
- «It seems that some did stop to read the image».
- «I admit it, I also put my money so they don’t forget it».
- «It’s good that they put the text in English, otherwise the majority of there would not have understood anything».
- «If it’s not the rocker Bocchi then it’s not worth it».
- «It is appreciated that now no one will forget Bocchi».
- «The Original BocchiGOD in Times Square».