This week the fans of the franchise of Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury they celebrated big when it was finally confirmed that Suletta Mercury and Miorine Rembran had married towards the end of the story. This was practically already “taken for granted” when in the final episode both were shown wearing rings on their ring fingers, indicating that, in one way or another, they had engaged.

However, there was no official confirmation in this regard, until in the most recent edition of the magazine Gundam Ace included an interview with the voice actresses kana ichinose and Lynnwho play Suletta Mercury and Miorine Rembran, respectively. In this exchange, Ichinose confirmed that the two leads got married towards the end of the story.:
- Lynn: «In that scene, I thought that Suletta had died, and I was silently screaming in my heart. I cried. It may have been the first time I’ve cried during dubbing recordings».
- Kana Ichinose: «The scene where the two were leaning towards each other in the epilogue was great. After 3 years, the two became even closer, and seeing them married and trusting each other really touched me.».
- Lynn: «I hope Miorine will look ahead and continue on her way smoothly with a smile.».
- Kana Ichinose: «I bet it doesn’t matter if something big happens in the future, they’ll both be fine. I wish you happiness for the rest of your lives.».
But the taste did not last long for the fans, since when the digital version came out (and revised) of the aforementioned issue of the magazine, that comment from Kana Ichinose had been completely changed in the interview. In fact, it is striking that the only thing changed from his statement is the mention of the marriage between the two protagonists, but with this the only proof that was useful for the fans has been eliminated:
«After three years, the two became even closer, and seeing them like this was once again very touching for me.»; Write the modified comment in the interview. The following screenshots show the printed version of the magazine on the left, and the revised digital version on the right. We can see that what is marked in the red box “結婚した (Married)” has been removed from the comment.

Why do you think the mention of marriage between two girls has been removed? Many are asking the same question, and the comments could not be missing:
- «Why?… Why can’t we have same-sex marriage?!».
- «It’s quite strange that the voice actress’s comments are removed because they are basically “opinions” and have nothing to do with the official scenario. It’s conceivable that Suletta and Miorine’s marriage could be set as an ‘official scenario’ that should be erased by all concerned, I suppose.».
- «There are many other countries that are stricter on same-sex marriage than Japan.».
- «They were married! And now not anymore!».
- «The fact that the description of the marriage between the two girls was removed from the e-edition of Gundam Ace may be because if the word “marriage” is explicitly mentioned, it would be prohibited in some countries where it is or will be distributed. (Complete speculation). But I can’t get mad if it’s for the above reason, because I want people who live in “stuffy” countries and feel small to see it and be encouraged.».
- «So please, Super Robot Wars, don’t run away from these pressures and bring us a scenario in which both appear as a married couple, with “Kannazuki no Miko” involved, there is already a precedent for that.».
- «The cast and crew, who couldn’t pronounce the word “marriage,” didn’t give in to the pressure and spread messages throughout the play, giving their blessings to the two girls. It is a bit confusing at times, but the thoughts and feelings of the production team have been conveyed. So again, congratulations on your marriage!».
- «I personally have a theory that the word Sremio marriage was deleted from the electronic version of Gundam Ace, not because of “pressure from above” or “commercial considerations for countries that ban homosexuality”, but simply because it was a topic. that would be dealt with in future media development. They’re going to make a movie version, right? We are going to see them both dressed as weddings, right?».