The popular modelBabanko (半半子)” sweeps the social networks! Recently, she became a trend after starring in an incredible photo session dressed as Marin Kitagawathe main character of the famous franchise “Sono Bisque Doll wa Koi wo Suru” (My Dress Up Darling).
The talented model wowed her fans with her stunning portrayal of the character, donning Marin Kitagawa’s iconic original outfit and recreating other fabulous cosplay featured throughout the series. Babanko (半半子) demonstrated his ability to capture the essence of the character, earning recognition from the fan community and garnering praise for his incredible dedication and precision.

Marin Kitagawa is a key character in the “Sono Bisque Doll wa Koi wo Suru” franchise. Although she appears to be an extraordinarily beautiful and self-assured young woman, her personality is much more complex. Despite her outgoing appearance, Marin is actually a shy and reserved girl. When she meets Wakana Gojou, a high school student with an unusual hobby of making hina dolls, her life changes completely. Although they are very different in appearance, Marin is drawn to Gojou’s skill and passion for sewing and dolls, which leads her to share her own secret: a love of cosplay.
The excitement generated by Babanko’s (半半子) photo shoot has fans of the franchise eager for more news on the announced anime sequel. The model’s portrayal of Marin Kitagawa has fired up social media and raised expectations for the next installment in the series, leaving fans eagerly awaiting more details and teasers about what the future holds.