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Cultura Otaku

Fans discover the great secret of Umaru-chan

A total surprise! The author of “Small! Umaru-chan“And currently” Boku no Manamusume “Sankakuhead, has revealed something quite unexpected about the creation of its characters. In a revelation on Twitter, He shared that many of the characters in his sleeves are inspired by people close to him, specifically in his family. The most shocking? Umaru-chan is based on her own younger sister, and Sami-chan, the protagonist of her most recent manga, in her own daughter!

© 2017 サンカクヘッド/集英社・「干物妹!うまるちゃん R 」製作委員会

According to the author, having a character based on real people allows you to capture small but authentic details, such as reactions or expressions that make everything feel closer and realistic. But of course, this has not gone unnoticed by fans, and that some have been quite surprised by the detail.

One of the funniest reactions came from those fans who boked Umaru with his brother Taihei Doma. Now that we know that Umaru is based on the author's sister, some fans have not been able to think about the possibility that the brother is inspired by author SANKAKUHEAD himself. This has left more than a bit uncomfortable, since, if Taihei is roasted in the author, then were they insinuating something strange among them?

  • «So, Umaru-chan's brother is based on … W?».
  • «Wow, I didn't know! I am surprised!».
  • «How incredible».
  • «Is Umaru-chan real?».
  • «What a surprise!».
  • «How lucky, he has such a beautiful sister and daughter!».
  • «That!?».
  • «Only angels around him …!».
  • «Was there a sister as beautiful and idle as Umaru-chan …?».
  • «I never imagined that the story was about his own sister and daughter, and so beautiful!».

So you know, if you ever asked if Umaru and Taihei could have had more than a relationship of brothersnow we know that this idea was at least a little rarely than we thought. But don't worry, surely it was just a coincidence!

Fountain: Hachima Kikou

© 2017 サンカクヘッド/集英社・「干物妹!うまるちゃん R 」製作委員会

(Tagstotranslate) Imo-Qourau-chan

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