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Cultura Otaku

One Piece looks for the most muscular otakus

Can you imagine a bodybuilding contest where the goal is to look like Luffy? Well, stop imagining it, because the “One Piece Fitness Bragmen”, the thematic gym “One Piece”In Tokyo, he has just launched a competition in which you will have to put yourself in a form how the captain of the straw hat. Yes, just as you read it: muscles, epic poses and the classic swinging attire with a straw hat.

One Piece
© 尾田栄一郎/集英社
One Piece
© 尾田栄一郎/集英社

The “One Piece Body Make Contest” is not just a matter of strength. Here the judges will evaluate how well you manage to recreate Luffy's look and his iconic poses of anime and manga. But be careful, they also tell details such as muscle definition, skin, hair and even how good your smile is. Because of course, if you are going to be the next king of the pirates of bodybuilding, you have to see you great doing it!

To participate, you have to send six photos where you show your progress and, of course, key poses such as Gear 2 and Gum-Gum Gatling. If you manage to impress the organizers (the gym, the Weekly Shonen Jump and Muscle Gate experts), they will select you for the grand final in Kawasaki on June 1. And the best: if you remain among the finalists, you can train free in the gym until May 31.

  • The requested poses include: front view; rear view; the energy load pose; the Pose of Gear 2; the pose of the Gomu-Gomu Gatling; and a free pose (which is based on a manga or anime scene).
© 尾田栄一郎/集英社

So if you always dreamed of having a physique at the level of the crew hat crew and wants to show that you can be a real Nakama, this is your chance. Sharpen those muscles, perfect your smile and get ready to show that you have what you need to become the most mammary luffy of the great maritime route.

Fountain: Official Site

© 尾田栄一郎/集英社

(Tagstotranslate) One-foil

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