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Anime that had bad finals

We have all gone through that: you start an incredible anime, you fall in love with the story, the characters catch you, and then the end comes and leave the face of the scriptwriters. Well, this collective frustration was the protagonist of a recent debate in a popular forum in Redditwhere Internet users discussed the anime that had such a bad end that made them regret having started them first.

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With the simple question: “What anime had such a disastrous end that made you regret having seen it?” The answers soon arrived. Many users agreed that there are series that manage to hook during most of their duration, with intense plots and memorable characters, but that, when they reach the outcome, they seem to throw everything through the board. Among the most common complaints, finals were mentioned that did not answer key questions of the plot, forced twists of the script or even closures that seemed to go against everything.

The general feeling is clear: a bad end can ruin the entire experience of a series, even if the rest was perfect. Some argued that an end to a disappointing one is preferable, while others assured that even a cliché and predictable closure is better than one that makes no sense.

Obviously deciding which is the worst end is the history of anime is a subjective issue, but it is clear that failed finals are a constant in an industry that launches tens and dozens of new anime every seasonmaking expectations increasingly low.

  • «More than a bad end, it bothers me more than almost no anime has a truth end lately. Most good are still in broadcast … some have been like this for more than a decade».
  • «Wonder Egg priority ruined everything at the end».
  • «The last three episodes of Rikekoi season 2 (Science Fell in Love) destroyed the series completely».
  • «The promised Neverland season 2 … without words».
  • «I always answer the same: Soul Eater».
  • «Kumamiko. It is not that it was amazing, it was quite mediocre, but that end was a gigantic “What the hell?”».
  • «For me, he is between Kado: The Right Answer and Babylon».
  • «I regret having seen season 2 of The Promised Neverland. The first was incredible and then gave us … that».
  • «Darling in the Franxx, no doubt».
  • «Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V and Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory».
  • «Wonder Egg Priority … although I think he started going to shit long before what people want to admit. From the moment they dropped the comment of “Girls vs. Boys ”In suicide, the level of depth with which the author saw the subject was clear».
  • «I know it is an unpopular opinion, but Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch From Mercury. I loved the first season and defended it with everything, but the second season was a master class of how not to commit to anything, characters with unsatisfactory resolutions, forced plots and characters that only inflated the story instead of contributing something. If at least the main couple had loved me, I would have endured it more, but even they felt as if they were advancing for “checkpoints” instead of developing their relationship naturally. Ah, and I hate Delling and Kenanji, how they managed them in the plot is incomprehensible».
  • «Nana I hated the end. Not only did Nana “Hachi” make a total injustice, but also made no sense to his character. And it does not help the only thing that people say about the series is that it is “realistic”, which seems debatable. It is not more realistic than an anime with a happy ending. In fact, the end is the least realistic of history».
  • «I don't usually regret seeing anime, even if it ends badly. But the closest to that would be Witch from Mercury. The first season was good, the second felt hurried but acceptable … and then the end came. They put the closure of several stories in a single episode, and although I can see that this was the end they wanted, it was extremely unsatisfactory. The worst thing is that with a more season everything would have been arranged».
  • «Ranking of Kings … I can't stand how they wrote to the characters and their “development”».
  • «Aldnoah.Zero in general and Iron-Blooded Orphans season 2».
  • «Mai-Hime is the patron saint of this problem. It was a very good series to the very end, even half the last episode! And then, in the last ten minutes, it was completely ruined. The worst thing is that the idea of ​​the end was not bad, but the execution was a disaster».
  • «Gilgamesh. It started well, but then they began to recycle scenes and the end was depressing».
  • «Fena: Pirate Princess».
  • «Claymore … so good until the last episode 😭 the manga is a thousand times better».
  • «Akame Ga Kill».
  • «I don't think Erased's end was so bad. I do not remember an anime that has made me repent to see it, although there are some that ended in Cliffhanger and only followed in the manga».
  • «I loved Romantic Killer, but they left us with a Cliffhanger and I doubt that there is second season ☹. It is very good, I saw her for the first time with a lot of emotion, but what a frustration».
  • «I'm going to say Kaze not Stigma, just because the author died and there was never a second season. He left me a huge void».
  • «Deadman Wonderland … I regret having excited myself with this series».
  • «I almost had that feeling with Gundam: The Witch from Mercury. The series was dark, with quite shocking deaths, so I expected a tragic ending that broke the heart, as in most Gundam. But not. The end was the opposite, a “happy forever” of fairy tale. No important character died, neither heroes nor villains. There was a classic scene of the protagonist sacrificing to save everyone … but survives thanks to a Deus ex machina».
  • «Usagi Drop, although the problem is only the end of the manga».
  • «Kareshi Kanojo no Jijou (His and her Circumstances). At first it was incredible, with a well written and directed story, but it came out just when the manga became popular and there was not enough material for a two -seasons anime. I remember that in the second half, up to a third of each episode was pure summary, and the story advanced at a turtle pace. Then he simply ended in the middle of an arc, without real conclusion».
  • «Future Diary. He went from 8/10 to a 2/10 in the end».
  • «Aldnoah.Zero. I know that some like the end, and I understand that it was the most rational … but I didn't like it. For me, it would have been better to leave it in the Cliffhanger of the first season».
  • «School Days … What the hell was that?».
  • «Tokyo Ghoul. Ughhh».
  • «Golden Time's end was garbage. I hated how they forced the characters to be together».
  • «Death Note. After him, everything collapsed».
  • «Gangsta, as much».
  • «I do not remember if it was Erased or Another, but one of those had a great story and then became “final destination”, killing everyone randomly».
  • «Neon Genesis Evangelion. That entire episode of internal monologues was ridiculous».
  • «Kado In the last episodes, everything felt forced and unnatural, as if they had changed a screenwriter. Death in the end seemed completely unnecessary, they only put it for the impact, even if it made no sense».
  • «The last season of Attack On Titan ruined the songs and plots that they built in the first three seasons. The end was disappointing».
  • «I don't regret seeing him, but Berserk, no doubt».
  • «For me, it was Devilman Crybaby. That end was so unsatisfactory».
  • «Darling in the Franxx, Lmao. There are sure, but this is the first to come to mind».
  • «The last episode of Devilman Crybaby made the entire series feel useless, as a waste of time».

Fountain: Reddit

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