The franchise of “Genshin Impact”It is still relevant even several years since the launch of the video game and despite the fact that its adaptation to the anime is practically forgotten, but is not exempt from controversies. Interestingly, this time it is not that some character “is not dark enough to satisfy the majority”, but that it was a situation within the video game itself.
In a promotional video for update 5.4 of the video game, A scene was shown where the protagonist Aether gets into a mixed bath with three other girls, namely: Yae Miko, Shogun Raiden, and Yumemizuki Mizuki. This did not make many people happy, since it seems strange that Aether is the only man on the scene, and soon arrived negative comments about it.

Something that must be taken into account is that, although there is no canonical main character, Mihoyo uses Aether in promotional materials and not Lumine. This can be explained by the simple fact that the demography of the players is generally masculine, which explains the choice. In addition, the culture of mixed baths is not strange in Asia, especially in regions such as Japan and China, and it is simply a cultural aspect that those of the West did not take good.
And of course, everything is demonstrated in the comments:
- «I know that there are mixed baths, but Mihoyo should have added other boys also so that this was less uncomfortable».
- «Yes, having Aether there is … uncomfortable and inappropriate. And also, calm down. I am in my right to find something uncomfortable. Not that I don't understand it, I don't understand why someone seems good to someone. I can feel uncomfortable with something without that being an attack on culture. Stop assuming that I am being rude just for what I feel».
- «It is completely normal in Japan, so they don't have to 'fix' anything. It is a Konyaku onsen, basically a mixed bath. The only 'arrangement' they should do (but they can't because it's a game) is that, in the onsen, there are rules and one of them is that the towel they give you should not touch the water so as not to contaminate it».
- «Honestly, this would help me a lot. That is, if there are both men and women, could they have not added another man or something? Having Aether alone with all women in an onsen feels a bit weird».
- «Having a man in the women's bath is very strange, although I know that Aether respects everyone and would do nothing, still bothers me».
- «This is normal in their culture».
- «People literally get angry about everything».
- «People continue to say: 'Why didn't Aether take another man?' Ok, suppose they add another man to the bathroom, but you chose Lumine … now we are again with a boy surrounded by girls. If I were a girl with a lot of boys, people would complain, if you are a boy with a lot of girls, people also complain. No matter what they do, we will always have complaints».
- «Some say: 'Why don't they simply separate boys and girls?' One, in Japanese culture it is normal for more than one genre in the bathrooms, although I believe that today is not as popular as before. Two, they will not change the entire event so that there are only girls for Lumine and only boys for Aether … Yes, perhaps they could add some more male characters, but if they had done it, probably those who choose Lumine would be even more annoying. It is this rare concept that 'men cannot be controlled', which makes the idea of men and women doing anything together feel 'uncomfortable', when in reality there is no reason to alarm».
- «Only to clarify, the mixed bathrooms in Japan are the exception, not the standard. I understand why they put the protagonist there, because he is the protagonist, but do not misunderstand the social practices of Japan».
- «What seems interesting to me is that people who see this scene as something 'bad' are the same who want to 'fix it'. But, in case they did not know, Inazuma is based on Japan, and in Japanese culture there are mixed baths. So although you can think 'having Aether there is weird', in Japan it is not».
- «People keep saying 'But it's normal in Japan!' Yes, and it's fine. However, people still have the right to feel uncomfortable with this scene and with the idea in general for obvious reasons. That does not mean that they hate culture or try to criticize it in a bad way, there are simply aspects that are not comfortable. Have you ever considered that maybe even some Japanese do not enjoy this type of baths? It is not just a cultural issue, it is a preference. But well, I don't care how they call it, 'edit' or 'fix', at the end of the day it is just a scene. Normalize not worry about insignificant things from time to time».
- «All these saying 'But, but, but the mixed bathrooms exist in Japan! This illustration is fine! ' When this is clearly another promotion of the 'Harén de Aether' to attract more straws».
- «People like you, who complain about this, are nothing more than snow copies. Suppose it, there is nothing wrong with Aether being there».
- «Brother, it's not so deep. They can be together in the bathroom, it is a fairly normal custom, if I remember correctly. We don't have to make everything weird, calm down».
- «Far better. That is, a boy in a bathroom with a lot of women … maybe in China that is normal, but in the rest of the world it does not. Mihoyo should remember that before putting Aether everywhere with his cringe».
- «People: 'Respect culture!' Also the people: 'Here I fixed it!', Missing respect for culture».
- «Now it is a good update. They should eliminate Aether from the game».
- «If it were Lumine, it would be allowed. But as is aether, no».
- «Hey, Aether, how unfair. Let me your place!».
- «Rather, I think it was the right choice that the protagonist was Aether».
- «Aether pretends to be calm and be a gentleman, but in reality his heart must be beating like crazy. Unlike Lumine, which is leaving 'wives' in each region, Aether is still a virgin».
- «The number 1 moment in the ranking of 'I'm glad I chose Lumine': avoid the mixed bathroom».
- «Hey? What is this? Hey????? My brain is collapsing».
- «Aether traveled with Lumine before arriving in Teyvat, which means they ate, slept and bathed together. If you never tried anything with Lumine, there are only two explanations: or you are not interested in naked women or is simply helpless».
- «I chose Aether, but I still shouted 'Hey, you, change with me!'».
- «Seen by far, Paimon looks like a giant muscular guy».
- «The protagonist is bathing in mixed baths too often … hey, this is too envy».
- «This cannot be forgiven».
Fountain: Otakomu
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