In a popular Japanese forum a question arose that made the otakus go crazy commenting: «That Anime They started incredible, but halfway went straight to the abyss?». The discussion exploded with lots of opinions, making it clear that this is something that occurs quite followed within the industry.

It is quite common for an anime to be designed to catch the viewer with some incredible first episodes, leaving it attached to the settlement, especially if it includes a high animation quality and a promising story with characters that fall well from the first minute. But what happens when this hype deflates?
There are many reasons why some anime lose their way quite fast, and range from stories that begin with strong scripts but do not know how to develop properly, resorting to secondary stories of filling or forced plot turns. On the other hand, the question of the budget also affects considerably in this aspect. The first episodes are usually quite well animated when the study uses most of the budget in them, but then they run out of enough money to maintain quality, disappointing the spectators.
As we mentioned, this situation is not new. Anime studies have to constantly deal with tight budgets, tight production calendars and, many times, huge expectations by fans. And of course, with so many anime releasing every season, it is not uncommon for some to stay short in maintaining the attention of the spectators.
But what did the Japanese have to say?
- «Definitivamene Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitan».
- «This is Paripi Koumei».
- «Kill la Kill, Gridman, Darling in the Franxx».
- «ARC-V».
- «Can we count a Gundam Seed Destiny as part of the second half?».
- «The movie was a great success, don't you think?».
- «Yoru no Yatterman».
- «Fena: Pirate Princess».
- «Wonder Egg Priority. Well, more than the second half, the end would say».
- «Re: CreatorsTRUE?».
- «Kado: The Right Answer He had a terrible descent. Until episode 5, it was one of the best anime in history».
- «If we talk about that, Mayoiga It also enters».
- «Wonder Egg PriorityTRUE?».
- «Wonder Egg Priority He ended with an abrupt and unfinished end. Even when they announced the special, I thought there was hope that it would become a masterpiece depending on its content».
- «Kado He collapsed in episode 8 and had an even worse fall in the end. Personally, I would say Izetta: The Last Witch».
- «Gakkou Gurashi endured up to approximately the university in the manga».
- «Maybe nobody agrees with me, but Psycho-pass. I would have liked to continue solving cases».
- «Little Witch Academy».
- «I will never forgive Babylon».
- «Kado and Babylonboth of Nozaki Mado. What crazy!».
- «Charlotte. Although I think there was no other way to close that story».
- «After Kamisama or Natta Hiuntil the end of Charlotte It seems entertaining».
- «I have no complaints from the end of Charlottebut they could have worked better with the foreign mafias that appeared almost at the end».
- «That anime is not that he stagnated, is that he ran in the completely wrong direction».
- «There was an anime based on a visual novel called Akane-Iro or Somaru Saka. All the time he was following the main heroin route, but in the last episode he took a turn and ended on the route of the younger sister. It enraged me».
- «As Kimikiss?».
- «There is nothing more than Samurai flamenco».
- «In the end, how did that high school student organize so many allies in different places?».
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