As we have already mentioned in previous articles, in Japan The figures are not regulated at all as they are considered a form of art, which means that they can skip different points of the Censorship Lawbeing able to show genitals and other elements that are prohibited in other formats (such as hentai and adult films).
Thus, it can be said that the market for scale figures and GK Figures (an abbreviation for “garage kit”, referring to figures that come in parts and are sold in this format to ensure they are not damaged in transport) It moves millions of dollars a year, making it attractive to both manufacturers and distributors.

The figure makers (even official ones like Good Smile Company) They often choose to outsource the production of their products to China due to various strategic and economic reasons. One of the key factors is the advantage in production costs that this country offers. China stands out for its lower labor costs compared to many other regions, allowing companies to significantly reduce expenses associated with labor, a crucial component in the manufacturing of figures and similar products.
In addition to labor costs, China’s developed industrial infrastructure and its ability to handle large production volumes are attractive aspects for manufacturers. Chinese factories’ experience and efficiency in mass production gives companies the ability to meet significant demands more quickly and cost-effectively.
However, things seem to be going wrong.. A report by the China Central Television reported that scale figures are an obvious problem for society, especially since many show women (of any age) completely naked. «Nudity, sexual depravity… The Internet is full of products that “your mother would beat you if she found them”, which mainly include figures of beautiful girls. Why would your mother hit you if she found out? Because the girls have revealing outfits, some appear in sexually suggestive poses, and others appear completely naked. According to reports, many of these girls are even minors.», explains the introduction.

Although the report has not been translated, we can see in the video that shows the way in which these figures are promoted and sold, and you can even see that manufacturers and buyers are interviewed. The concern arises because, if the issue continues to be analyzed, the authorities in China could suggest a regulation (that is, a ban) towards the manufacture and distribution of this type of products, which would be a fatal blow for the industry. the figures to scale.
We can even read comments from the Chinese public, where they are already supporting a regulation of this type:
- «Oh yes, finally the media realized that there are many pedophiles who feed their fantasies using figures of this type, and with this they could practically be hunted by the authorities».
- «These figures are not official, they are those made by small groups of manufacturers».
- «These types of products usually appear in advertisements on the Internet. Should we manage this type of products? These types of gray markets exist in many places, which department should manage it?».
- «The group of consumers of this product is generally young people, we cannot allow them to continue being perverts».
- «People who manufacture, distribute and buy these types of products should be severely punished.».
- «A strict investigation should be carried out on all this and the market should be regulated».
- «I will be paying attention to the next reports on this topic, I hope that the authorities take action on the matter».
- «I agree, sales channels and platforms should be canceled immediately once it is confirmed that they distribute this type of merchandise.».
- «I agree that a severe investigation be carried out, enough of allowing this type of products and merchandise».
But of course, The opinion of the products is completely contrary, especially since they make up the target market for this type of product.:
- «Will this represent the end of the erotic figure industry?
- «I hope it only affects the erotic figure market, and that normal figures continue to be viable for the market».
- «I think that, if they do not cancel this type of market, at least prices will rise considerably».
- «After all, China’s government is completely terrifying and capable of anything, even if it is something that could affect its economy.».
- «To what extent would a figure be considered erotic? Because I have seen many official figures who would definitely be considered as such».
- «I don’t know if it’s related, but I heard that Azur Lane, a franchise quite popular for its beautiful girls, discontinued its line of figures for about two months.».
- «It is said that it will only deal with erotic figures, but I am sure that the ban would end up expanding to figures in general, as long as they are pretty girls.».
- «I can’t believe that even the erotic figure industry was completely dependent on the authorities not noticing it».
- «Those who believe that China’s ban will only affect them are ignorant. Where do you think all the popular stores send their merchandise to be made?».
- «Erotic figures can no longer be exported from China, this could fracture a market that has been based on that country since its conception.».
Fountain: Yaraon!