The Argentine Federal Police carried out operations in six homes in the González Catán town, resulting in the arrest of three young people accused of threatening dozens of train stations, schools and public offices. The group calling itself “The Hentai Mafia“, which is defined as anti-systemhas raised concerns about possible links to the La Libertad Avanza political coalition.

The main detainee, FM, 18 years old and son of a police officer with a history of threats, admitted his participation, alleging his discontent with the system as motivation for the threats. The investigation, led by federal judges Julián Ercolini and Ariel Lijo, revealed a considerable amount of electronic and computer materials in the raided homes, including chips, pen drives, cell phones and computers.
During the operation, one of the detainees tried to flee through the roofs, getting rid of cell phones and chips along the way, but he was finally apprehended by the authorities. Although no pamphlets were found in the homes, investigators will focus their analysis on the seized cell phones and computers.
Analysts from the Argentine Federal Police describe the detainees as “computer bochos” due to their abilities to hack lines and accounts, which allowed them to make at least 35 threats. The suspicion of political links arises from the strategic choice of targets, such as the closure of train stations and threats to key locations, coinciding with elections.
It is revealed that the detainees were dedicated to hacking Telecentro customer accounts, generating fraudulent telephone lines that they then sold on the “deep web.” They used public Wi-Fi networks to carry out the threats, avoiding being tracked. The initial charges include public intimidation, obstruction of transport and theft of lines and accounts, making it unlikely that the young detainees will be granted release.
Of course, the curious name and photographs of the detainees made the arrest become a trend on social networks in Argentina, attracting comments such as:
- «JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure t-shirt, haha, I can’t».
- «Incredible that they cover the faces of rapists and murderers, but not Mongolian doxxers in need of attention».
- «Damn, these are from Twitter and surely one of them is a splinter».
- «With their faces you can already tell which party they vote for.».
- «Stop, weren’t they just fools who hacked the official pages and posted nonsense? Where are the threats?».
- «Well people, we will have to found The Hentai Mafia II».
- «Argentina is the best country in the world».
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