It is safe to say that anyone who has ventured into the world of hentai has gone through a particular franchise: Oni Chichi. Fans of this type of content consider it the “masterpiece of the genre,” although this statement is probably a kind of meme that transcended generations. Although its animation has already aged quite a bit, it seems that the plot is still valid, since studios from the production company a1c continue to recycle the story of the abusive stepfather over and over again.

The story is described as follows:
- Marina and Airi’s mother has abandoned her husband to marry a younger man, Kouzou Akizuki. While Marina accepts her new stepfather, Airi hates him for breaking up her family. Furthermore, she soon discovers that he is a sexual pervert, who sniffs his underage stepdaughters’ underwear and secretly wishes to take their virginity. His mother is often away from home, allowing Kouzou to satisfy his carnal pleasures as he pleases.
- Unable to resist the beauty of the teenage girls’ bodies, Akizuki prepares a powerful aphrodisiac and uses it on Airi. Intoxicated by the drug, she cannot control herself and gives in to the perverted demands of her stepfather. He soon discovers the advantages of this new relationship and plunges into a whirlwind of sexual degeneration. Satisfied with the irresistible effect of the drug, Kouzou proceeds to use it even more, coercing several girls to quench his thirst in the most embarrassing ways.
And why are we talking about this franchise today? Well, it turns out that it has celebrated its fifteenth anniversary. But it is not the anniversary of the anime produced by PorRO Petitbut rather it is the anniversary of the source material, the visual novel. That’s right, Oni Chichi is a franchise born from an adult video game for computers, didn’t you know?
Titled as “Oni Chichi: Manamusume Kyousei Hatsujou“, was released in Japan on October 24, 2008, and was followed by several sequels and anime adaptations that began just a year later, in October 2009.
Certainly, Oni Chichi is one of the most extensive hentai franchises ever produced. With subtitles like “Re-born”, “Re-birth”, “Rebuild” and “Revenge”, there are many sequels that, in the end, continue with the same story but developing it in a different way (this derived from the visual novel itself, where players can make a series of decisions that change the story and its ending).
And for you, was Oni Chichi your first hentai?
Fountain: VNStat