A post made by a woman became a trend on comment boards in Japan, especially due to the overreaction of fans of a popular romantic comedy franchise. The woman, who browses with the username “@kkusamaraNo“, wrote his impressions of the first chapter of Gotoubun no Hanayome (The Quintessential Quintuplets), or at least what he endured to see of it:
- «I tried my best to watch the first episode of Gotoubun no Hanayome, but I couldn’t, sorry. I’m really sorry that there are people who like these kinds of stories. It seems obvious, but it’s a story only for men“, wrote.

There is something quite interesting about this type of situation where someone posts a negative review of something. While some wonder, why does someone become a trend on social media by criticizing something? And the answer is quite simple. They are the very fans of the work that they criticized who make someone go viral with their responses defending their beloved franchise. In the end, it is the fans’ own fault that the criticism against their favorite work goes viral, and they cause a domino effect by making other people also make their negative opinions public so that, again, the fans come to make them viral for a while. time.
The correct way to react to an opinion that is contrary to yours is to ignore that person’s comments., but going to social networks to want to make everyone applaud your favorite franchise just because you want it is another toxic way of browsing social networks. Anyway, let’s see what were the responses that made this publication go viral in Japan:
- «I agree with the opinion, the story itself is quite strange, unnatural».
- «I don’t want people who can enjoy that story without feeling uncomfortable to call themselves “otaku.” They are nothing more than moe loving pigs».
- «Well, at least in Gotoubun no Hanayome the protagonist is not disgusting. I couldn’t watch Kanojo, Okarishimasu because the protagonist is too creepy».
- «Why do you go out of your way to publicly humiliate yourself? If you dislike something in the slightest, you can stop watching it from the beginning, but I don’t understand why you force yourself to watch it and then criticize it».
- «I watched an anime called Plunderer, which is a slightly different genre but has battle elements, and it had scenes where he constantly sexually harassed the female characters, and it was so persistent that I left it».
- «I haven’t seen the anime, but the manga bored me from the first page».
- «You can’t help not liking it, after all it’s a story for virgin otakus who dream of living a romance like that and who look pathetic defending their favorite girl».
- «I watched it recently and really liked the voice acting work for the five sisters, but had to give it up after the first episode. I had high hopes but it was disappointing».
- «It can’t be helped that middle-aged and ugly women like you don’t like this spectacular anime, surely you felt inferior to the beauty of the five Nakano sisters».
- «No one cares what you think about Gotoubun no Hanayome, you horrible shit woman».
- «I am a man and I understand the criticism. When I read the manga it didn’t bother me, but now that I see it animated I really realize how abnormal it is».
- «I couldn’t get past the first episode either. I never understood why it became so popular, especially since the animation was mediocre».
- «It’s sad that the only way to defend that work is with logic like “everyone has their own tastes” or “people who criticize the tastes of others are trash.” The good taste of otakus is definitely over».
- «It’s nothing more than erotic content for today’s disgusting otakus, so it’s no wonder they watch it and get excited about it».
Fountain: Yaraon!